Do I Need To Vape?


Active Member
Well since 420 was right around the corner I got myself an 1/8th for the day.(Happy 420 fellow stoners) I started up with joints, I don't really tend to "consume" it any other way rather than just joints, I find them trustworthy. So anyhow I had my joint and fell asleep while watching a movie. When I woke up I was feeling really sick and had sinus aches and found it hard to swallow. This happened last time I had joints too :-(. It has clearly become a nuisance since I cant smoke MJ because of the sinus aches, upset stomach and dry throat. My question is... Should I vape?


Well-Known Member
if really interested in vapeing look at my vid on youtube about the kia vape..........I give alot of info about vapeing in the 3 part review I give..........may help you out

just google kia vape and my mug is tthere or go to youtube and search kia lancelot250 if you want to go to site...........have vid on magic flight launch box a protable vape and alot of other good info in my reviews......then I get stoned alot and make vids I have know idea what they are for............shrug LOL


Well-Known Member
yeah that shit has never happened to me...doesn't sound like smoking is for you buddy....


Active Member
Only thing I don't like about the extreme is that the whip/water pipe is very average. The bag experience seems also average but for the price its really not that bad. If you pack a bowl up to the black line them do an "elbow pack" you can achieve extremely fucking thick bags. The remote is so Gucci but its awesome to just chill on the couch watching a movie and remotely command my vapor slave to fill me up another one.

I'm just Rambling.


Well-Known Member
me and 2 of my buddies last night went on a walk and had my iolite wwith us. We went through 3 bowls in it and whoa by the time I got home we were praticallly floating and I slept good!


Well-Known Member
me and 2 of my buddies last night went on a walk and had my iolite wwith us. We went through 3 bowls in it and whoa by the time I got home we were praticallly floating and I slept good!
x2 for the Iolite. Learn it and BAM.

Lovin it on the roadtrips and shooting pool. Smokeless, odorless.



Well-Known Member
Well I would not say odorless, when you first crank up a fresh bowl in that thing it reeks for like a 5m radius but after you get it a litte used it just smells like popcorn.If your holding it you cant smell it, its the people around you who are like "whoa where is that coming from". I love my iolite though, I have had it for about 4 months now and I still have the same can of butane. You just have to have a little patience so It can warm up but once it does it hits like a champ. If you buy one do not buy the cheap ones for 150 as they do not come with the liftime warranty trust me. I dont think I will buy another one cept a volcano if I can afford it because it works just as good laying in bed as it does at the beach, bar, club, movie theater..possibilities are endless.


Well-Known Member
can't use the iolite at higher elevations otherwise I would have got one when I was into vapes...