Do I need perlite?


Jeffdog, It said your inbox was full, so I couldn't message you.

I've re potted using MG soil.

Do I need to use perlite? If I don't, will my plants die?


I can't find any in my hardware and garden store. They have little stones, but that's it. They've grown without perlite up until now (5 weeks)


Well-Known Member
Perlite will give better drainage to the soil and allow more oxygen to the roots.
You can grow without it but its better with.


Active Member
Stores like B&Q sell it, shouldn't be too hard to find any garden centre should have it.

Put it this way it's a little bit of effort which will pay off with more buds and less problems.

It's good for seedling growth as it's much easier for the roots to push through. So source some read for next time.


Active Member
Pearlite helps with soil drainage it is recommended but not always needed.
Soil that drains well = big root balls = big plants = big buds
My recommendation is find some before you transplant, if you have not transplanted it into its final pot.
Will the plant live without it? Yes, but it wont be as good as it could have been.


Ah okay thanks. It's unfortunately in it's final pot :(

Will it still produce bud? Is it too late to take it out and apply some tomorrow? (Only transplanted few hours ago.)

This is a picture of the roots when I was transplanting. (5 weeks)


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will produce. I once did a plant in a pure MG compost (Gro Your Own or something) and I was happy with the quality. The plant finished short, maybe due to growing space but I think soil was a factor too.