Do I need calmag with this water? Specs inside

Ugg boot

These are the specs
Ph 7.2
Ppm 19
Calcium 6mg/L
Magnesium 1.1mg/L
sodium 4mg/L
Potassium 1.6mg/L

Is this enough or will I need calmag suppliment?

Thanks for looking.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt add any calcium to my well water with those numbers.
I've failed plants adding calcium when unneeded, thanks RIU


Well-Known Member
I'd use some cal mag if I started to see light colored spots or just use occasionally to prevent a problem. The stated solids are very low.


Well-Known Member
These are the specs
Ph 7.2
Ppm 19
Calcium 6mg/L
Magnesium 1.1mg/L
sodium 4mg/L
Potassium 1.6mg/L

Is this enough or will I need calmag suppliment?

Thanks for looking.
Depends on the nutrients you are using. The water alone doesn't have enough calcium in it.