do i have a male plant?


Hi sorry i dont have pics however i have a 15 inch plant which has recently started developing little balls on the main stem at the points where additional stems shot off to the sides.
Im confused because ive kept the plants in a 24/0 cycle and then in recent weeks changed it into a 18/6 cycle, would this of caused the plant to start showing its sex or is the balls new leaf growth?

another thing to add, when i apply a bit of force to the balls, they fall off rather easy.

if it is a male, how long until the balls become "active"


id also like to add that the balls are very tiny at the moment, about the same size as the little plastic balls you get with a bb gun, maybe smaller.


Well-Known Member
i have never had a male, so i am not 100%, but it sounds like you got a male bub. Sorry, try to get some pics up so we can be sure!


Well-Known Member
normaly i would tell you that you got a male or a hermi , ( pics )

but you going from 24/0 to 18/6 should not put your plant in the flowering stage ,

some plants you can get pre flowers while its vegin ,

but if you got balls you got a male....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you see little ball like things then most likely its a male, but post sumpics if you can so we can be sure. i would hate to tell you ya and then come to find out its a girl.. no what i mean.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hi sorry i dont have pics however i have a 15 inch plant which has recently started developing little balls on the main stem at the points where additional stems shot off to the sides.
Im confused because ive kept the plants in a 24/0 cycle and then in recent weeks changed it into a 18/6 cycle, would this of caused the plant to start showing its sex or is the balls new leaf growth?

another thing to add, when i apply a bit of force to the balls, they fall off rather easy.

if it is a male, how long until the balls become "active"

is it an auto flower

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Hi sorry i dont have pics however i have a 15 inch plant which has recently started developing little balls on the main stem at the points where additional stems shot off to the sides.
Im confused because ive kept the plants in a 24/0 cycle and then in recent weeks changed it into a 18/6 cycle, would this of caused the plant to start showing its sex or is the balls new leaf growth?

another thing to add, when i apply a bit of force to the balls, they fall off rather easy.

if it is a male, how long until the balls become "active"
The balls wont pop unless you play with them until late flowering, by then ull know FOR SURE. You WILL see preflowers when you veg for the right amount of time. A common thought is that u cannot distinguish sex before 12/12 that is completley false. If you want the best yeild you should veg until u see preflowers, then flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to bet money it's a male. I've had 2 males since I've been growing (out of a total of 4 seeds {hence why I ONLY use clones}) Anyways my first male was on a 24/0 cycle and showed signs of sex no problem, no switching the lights or anything just did it. The second I switched the lights when I thought I saw male sac's, and a few days later sure enough there the balls are! lol

Here's a pic of my first male..... If you see anything that looks like this get rid of the fucker!



Well-Known Member
its hard to say with out pics but its sounding like a dude wat are you going to do with it cause when that happens to me i sex them if its a good looking plant