Do i flower a male?


My question is do i have to put a male plant into flower? Or can i just pick pods off when the open up? And if so when should i put into flower. Its bruce banner and i just want to throw it in with a og 18 female15347153018902932777087973674364.jpg


Well-Known Member
I keep male separate if possible to have some control of where the pollen goes.
Mature male plants can create a large yellow cloud in a breeze which might be inconvenient.
I make a catch tray out of tin foil & twice a day hold tray under flowers & tap plant. Shape tray into a vee & tap tray to get pollen into a small container that I keep in fridge. Then I can place the pollen on selected buds, usually on lower branches.


Active Member
I have never tried growing a male plant - Always lucky with my seed orders or just grew clones.

What happens if you actually let the male flower ripen? Does it also produce trichomes on top of mature pollen and what happens if you smoke it up?


Well-Known Member
I have never tried growing a male plant - Always lucky with my seed orders or just grew clones.

What happens if you actually let the male flower ripen? Does it also produce trichomes on top of mature pollen and what happens if you smoke it up?
If you let it grow the top couple of feet will be hundreds of flowers with yellow clouds of pollen heading downwind.
People growing downwind who have removed their males will not be amused.
Not much point smoking it.


Well-Known Member
I have never tried growing a male plant - Always lucky with my seed orders or just grew clones.

What happens if you actually let the male flower ripen? Does it also produce trichomes on top of mature pollen and what happens if you smoke it up?
Smoke them pollen sacs man! Take one for the team. Tell us if it fcks you up.