DNC's Pathetic Platform


Well-Known Member
Dude, with only 6 plants, you'd probably get earned income tax credit! LOL LOL
i'll be harvesting tonight, i think i'll show you what a flowering plant that is not neon yellow looks like.

and even though i'll be harvesting tonight, those six plants will still be out there tomorrow. do you ever get tired of being wrong, clayton?


New Member
i'll be harvesting tonight, i think i'll show you what a flowering plant that is not neon yellow looks like.

and even though i'll be harvesting tonight, those six plants will still be out there tomorrow. do you ever get tired of being wrong, clayton?
You go get um SIX GUN Bucky!

You're the Barney Fife of cannbis growing! lol lol



Well-Known Member
clayton has never shown us a picture of anything that's not neon yellow, but fancies himself as some sort of expert grower.



New Member
I can't believe my ears, every speaker so far is talking about what government freebies they will give out for in exchange for votes.

And these idiot dipshits are even championing Obamacare, never mind that the majority of Americans don't want it!

Can't wait to see the polls in a week or two, but I'll have to admit if Obama busts out and promises everyone a new car, it's over for Mitt.
how is that different from the republican convention and why are you shocked?


Well-Known Member
there is more excitement at this convention on night one than there was at any point in the RNC. i was not expecting that.

they're coming out swinging, and mainly running on record. very few attacks on romney.

See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil. What the fuck were you watching, cartoons.


Well-Known Member
I like the DNC commercial that says...

Government is the only thing we ALL BELONG to.

Yes I have a fundamental difference in thought about that. The government is of the people, by the people, for the people. The government belongs to us, we dont belong to the government.

But hard to turn America into the BORGS if we dont all belong to the same collective.


Well-Known Member
I like the DNC commercial that says...

Government is the only thing we ALL BELONG to.

Yes I have a fundamental difference in thought about that. The government is of the people, by the people, for the people. The government belongs to us, we dont belong to the government.

But hard to turn America into the BORGS if we dont all belong to the same collective.

If we are the government and the government is us - "of the people, by the people, for the people" then indeed we all "belong" to government.


Well-Known Member
I am glad to see you using WE so much, as a proper borg, we is always the proper word to use.

We need to go to the bathroom, catch us later.


New Member
how is that different from the republican convention and why are you shocked?
Well everyone knows democrats use the poor as pawns, perhaps many won't admit it, but they know and except it. I was just surprised of the blatancy, I took it as sure sign of the democrats being desperate.

To be honest, I can't understand how anyone couldn't see the stark difference between the two convention messages. The right wants to get rid of government healthcare, return all the entitlement programs back to the safety nets they were designed to be.
Lower taxes on businesses and investment, reduce the unnecessary job killing government regulations and bring them back to a more common sense approach.
The right wants a balanced budget amendment, the left does not, the right will audit the Fed, the left will not.
I know where you're going with this deprave so I skip all the BS.

Ron Paul was on my short list for presidents but I came to the realization that electing one man would make no difference. As much as I wouldn't like it, without support from the House and Senate, unfortunately Ron Paul would become a lame duck president the day of his inauguration.


New Member
beenthere said:
can't believe my ears, every speaker so far is talking about what government freebies they will give out for in exchange for votes.

And these idiot dipshits are even championing Obamacare, never mind that the majority of Americans don't want it!

Can't wait to see the polls in a week or two, but I'll have to admit if Obama busts out and promises everyone a new car, it's over for Mitt.
deprave said:
how is that different from the republican convention and why are you shocked?
Well everyone knows democrats use the poor as pawns, perhaps many won't admit it, but they know and except it. I was just surprised of the blatancy, I took it as sure sign of the democrats being desperate.

To be honest, I can't understand how anyone couldn't see the stark difference between the two convention messages. The right wants to get rid of government healthcare, return all the entitlement programs back to the safety nets they were designed to be.
Lower taxes on businesses and investment, reduce the unnecessary job killing government regulations and bring them back to a more common sense approach.
The right wants a balanced budget amendment, the left does not, the right will audit the Fed, the left will not.
I know where you're going with this deprave so I skip all the BS.

Ron Paul was on my short list for presidents but I came to the realization that electing one man would make no difference. As much as I wouldn't like it, without support from the House and Senate, unfortunately Ron Paul would become a lame duck president the day of his inauguration.

Let me break this down for you then...

"Well everyone knows democrats use the poor as pawns, perhaps many won't admit it, but they know and except it. I was just surprised of the blatancy, I took it as sure sign of the democrats being desperate." -Beenthere

Republican's do the same thing, What's Mitt Romney going to give us...Jobs? What's he promising? Me...Me..Me...Whats he going to give ME! Same fucking thing...

"Lower taxes on businesses and investment, reduce the unnecessary job killing government regulations and bring them back to a more common sense approach." -Beenthere

How? What? Where? When? How? Sorry they are blowing smoking up your ass dude, they are full of shit, their actual actions reflect that, they are no different then dems.

"The right wants a balanced budget amendment, the left does not" -BeenThere

Blatantly false, Mitt Romney and Ryans Plan balance budget by what 2026? They are not advocating for a government that spends less, only slightly less than obama's PROPOSED INCREASES.

"Ron Paul was on my short list for presidents but I came to the realization that electing one man would make no difference. As much as I wouldn't like it, without support from the House and Senate, unfortunately Ron Paul would become a lame duck president the day of his inauguration. " -Beenthere

This is also false and a complete load of bs and you know it, not like that matters at this point, not sure why you throw this in there.


Well-Known Member
Well everyone knows democrats use the poor as pawns, perhaps many won't admit it, but they know and except it. I was just surprised of the blatancy, I took it as sure sign of the democrats being desperate.

To be honest, I can't understand how anyone couldn't see the stark difference between the two convention messages. The right wants to get rid of government healthcare, return all the entitlement programs back to the safety nets they were designed to be.
Lower taxes on businesses and investment, reduce the unnecessary job killing government regulations and bring them back to a more common sense approach.
The right wants a balanced budget amendment, the left does not, the right will audit the Fed, the left will not.
I know where you're going with this deprave so I skip all the BS.

Ron Paul was on my short list for presidents but I came to the realization that electing one man would make no difference. As much as I wouldn't like it, without support from the House and Senate, unfortunately Ron Paul would become a lame duck president the day of his inauguration.

Shall we do a bit of parsing?

"everyone knows" - no evidence, no proof, just the utterly typical consensus-must-equal-truth-if-that-is-what-I-believed-in-the-first-place. Because beenthere says "everyone knows" then it must be fact. This is a constant conservative "argument"

"use the poor as pawns" - this from the party and ideology that the poor are not worth dealing with in any way so if anyone does care for them, they must actually be using them as pawns, because after all, what good are they otherwise right? Conservatives?

Now, after beenthere has formulated this little straw army of "everyone knowing that dems treat the poor as pawns (when the repubs don't treat them with anything but distain)" he gets to surmise that the reason must be becasuse Dems are "desperate". considering the outright lies and distortions, easily proveable ones at that, and Republican's clear indication that it intends to continue lying, he still claims that the Dems are desperate.

Now we agree - there is a stark difference and a stark contrast between the two convention messages. but we run into a problem off the bat even here Beenthere - as you can't really claim that a health care system that insists that every person purchase private health insurance one way or another - paying their money to private insurers and, (the way the right calls it) "gutting" the real government health care system - medicare - is government healthcare now can you.

The right wants to return entitlement programs ot safety nets? Clearly you have not followed Mr. Ryan's intent to do all he can to dismantle those programs.

The right wants to lower taxes on business and investment even though it is clear that these methods have brought us to the brink of ruination - and yet you seem to think that the right offers us "common sense".


New Member
Let me break this down for you then...

"Well everyone knows democrats use the poor as pawns, perhaps many won't admit it, but they know and except it. I was just surprised of the blatancy, I took it as sure sign of the democrats being desperate." -Beenthere

Republican's do the same thing, What's Mitt Romney going to give us...Jobs? What's he promising? Me...Me..Me...Whats he going to give ME! Same fucking thing...
Lower taxes does not give anyone anything but opportunity my friend.

"Lower taxes on businesses and investment, reduce the unnecessary job killing government regulations and bring them back to a more common sense approach." -Beenthere

How? What? Where? When? How? Sorry they are blowing smoking up your ass dude, they are full of shit, their actual actions reflect that, they are no different then dems.
I'm sorry bro, you couldn't be more wrong. The right has a track record of lowering taxes and reducing regulation that slow or prohibit business growth. To deny this is ridiculous!

"The right wants a balanced budget amendment, the left does not" -BeenThere

Blatantly false, Mitt Romney and Ryans Plan balance budget by what 2026? They are not advocating for a government that spends less, only slightly less than obama's PROPOSED INCREASES.
Dude, you are so full of shit! The house proposed a balanced budget amendment in 2011 and got 261 votes, it failed because it didn't get the required 2/3rds majority.

"Ron Paul was on my short list for presidents but I came to the realization that electing one man would make no difference. As much as I wouldn't like it, without support from the House and Senate, unfortunately Ron Paul would become a lame duck president the day of his inauguration. " -Beenthere

This is also false and a complete load of bs and you know it, not like that matters at this point, not sure why you throw this in there.
I threw it in there because I wanted Ron Paul as President, but unfortunately, he's about 50 yrs too late.
And with all due respect, you need some civics classes.
What would a Ron Paul President do, govern by executive order exclusively?
Congress can over ride his veto power by a 2/3rds majority!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry bro, you couldn't be more wrong. The right has a track record of lowering taxes and reducing regulation that slow or prohibit business growth. To deny this is ridiculous!

While i will not take issue with the right's "track record" of reducing regulations, Reagan raised taxes, Bush Sr. raised taxes. Furthermore your understanding of taxation/job creation/federal revenue/GDP is rather flawed according to your posts at any rate.

You do know that our tax rate in general is as low as it has been at any time since the 50's right?