DMT & Reptillians. True or myth?


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of talk about DMT lately, and personally I've never tried it myself. However I'm thinking about trying it sometime this summer. I've been watching alot of this guy "PsychedSubstances". Reptilians within this universe doesn't sound realistic, but I'm starting to doubt it at this point. There is alot of conspiracy talk about it and its intriguing me more and more. I've watched a video from Terence Mckenna and thats given me some sort of idea what its about. People have their own trips based off their environment and setting and frame of mind etc. So for someone who, for example has..... anxiety issues. slight depression. age and whatnot. Would it be safe? Is it best to start off with other physhs first before endevouring on this highly powerful drug?

If anyone has any first hand experience with it, please share it with me :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Do a.coupla rounds of shrooms and/or acid. Not together. But within a few weeks prior to dmt. This way you can get a little accustomed to altered states again. Dmt is a cut above and different from the rest. Good luck.
what do you recommenced shrooms, or acid? I've taken liquid LSD before (Not a tab) a pure droplet. I had a really really bad trip. I starting believing that we were in a simulation and it freaked me out, like we were controlled by a computer. Everything felt like it was all connected by millions of strings and I felt each and every sensation in the wavelength. it really messed me up..

....although it could have been spiked with ket.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anything can prepare you for dmt, I've done it over 50 times and it still scares me. I would recommend trying other psychedelics first though, just so you can get the slightest bit accustomed to having your reality distorted. With dmt, there will be no reality left.

I've been contacted by other beings when on dmt, beings of pure energy, they talk and communicate with you. This is a common thing experienced on dmt.

I don't think having anxiety or depression is an issue with dmt, you could be the happiest, strongest person in the world and it can still break you down till you are less than nothing dmt doesn't care what or who you are, it will do as it pleases.


Well-Known Member
what do you recommenced shrooms, or acid? I've taken liquid LSD before (Not a tab) a pure droplet. I had a really really bad trip. I starting believing that we were in a simulation and it freaked me out, like we were controlled by a computer. Everything felt like it was all connected by millions of strings and I felt each and every sensation in the wavelength. it really messed me up..

....although it could have been spiked with ket.
Yeah that's basically a dmt trip. But take all of that and squeeze it into 5-10 minutes put it on steroids and then multiply by 10


Well-Known Member
easy nasty process. i worry about a lot of peoples methods though. most recipes don't tell you that a lot of the solvents used leave behind hydrocarbons. so you really have to at least understand high school chemistry for a pure product.


Well-Known Member
what do you recommenced shrooms, or acid? I've taken liquid LSD before (Not a tab) a pure droplet. I had a really really bad trip. I starting believing that we were in a simulation and it freaked me out, like we were controlled by a computer. Everything felt like it was all connected by millions of strings and I felt each and every sensation in the wavelength. it really messed me up..

....although it could have been spiked with ket.

Ahhh the matrix trip. I had one of these on spice once when i was 15
I thought the same thing except i thought the guy in the 4th demension controlling it all found out and was about to delete my ass from existence


Well-Known Member
Try mushrooms first. Less weird. More laughy
In my experience mushrooms are so inconsistent when it comes to effects it's hard to tell someone what it'll be like for them. I know it's been said millions of times but set and setting are huge, if you're somewhere you don't feel comfortable or you feel depressed or anxious about something, that will probably be amplified when you trip and potentially bring out some crazy ideas, theories and long lasting unpleasant feelings. The one thing that does seem consistent about mushies is a spiritual feeling, the realization of your humanness and how we are all basically the same, it's just what your mind absorbs and how you interpret those things is what makes you unique


Well-Known Member
I hate those trips. Some of thoughts tend to linger for a while.
I still think about it now, It's putting me off physchs for good. Its completly changed my perception (Not in a good way). Only 2 times I've taken a psychedelic and I just feel, well... Controlled. It's the only way I can put it. Like I'm in a computer and I'm just a part functioning it. Or I'm being watched, and has realised I've taken some stuff and I've realised what reality is really like and is about to switch me off.

... And after the trip has worn off I just feel drained of all energy, my brain is throbbing and I feel generally just feel awful..

3rd time wasn't as bad, I did take some more lsd a few weeks back and it was alot better. I started seeing the walls show signs of art. Like spirally art, and it all connected beautifully. Like something you would see in a divine temple, everything correlated so perfectly. But it was just an ordinary wall, and it changed before my eyes. Oh, and colours were much, much more vibrant. Thats the only good things that have came out of using physchs. Any tiny amount of dirt on the wall I could see just dripped down from the wall to the floor.

I started watching TV and it would speed up and slow down, freaked me out! Was NOT ready for it. Peoples faces would go from 3d to 2d. I dont like how it changes time, some scary stuff. I think I need to get more accustomed. Maybe in the future I'll do a bit more.

I only took 120ugs (Half a blotter), I cant imagine what I would see if I took 250ug like my friend.

Sorry I rambled, I would just like some reassurance that I'm not crazy. lol. Hopefully someone has had a similar experience?
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Well-Known Member
First, don't worry about impurity in dmt.

You will likely breath in some incompletely combusted hydrocarbons.

But you are breathing in loads of other noxious chemicals.

And you aren't going to do this more than a few times a month and most get everything they can from dmt in a short time and then move on. Few are going to be chronic smokers.

As far as "practicing" with something else beforehand, I don't think you need to take mushrooms or acid in order to acquaint yourself with effects.

Regardless of the subjective time distortion, objectively you are high for only fifteen minutes or so.

I might suggest that the first few times you smoke dmt, control your dose.

Make sure you only have a minimal amount in your pipe so you won't make a mistake.

You can explore the details without yet allowing the drug to explore you


Well-Known Member
Dmt is like killing yourself and being resurrected by the lord for being a martyr.

And the water will flow from the mouth of that old snake satan. The reptillian children will tell you this world is theirs because they left heaven to attend it's hell.

We live in an eternal fire that exists all around mankind.

Everything will exist in the "universe".