DIY light mover advice


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on building some lights to cover a few 4x4. Stupidly have ordered a stupid amount of 1m (3.2ft) aluminium angle. I won't go into the crap about why the lights can't be 3.2x3.2 to cover a 4x4.

So rather than have 1 square fixture I'll have 3 rectangular lights 1m in length in its place, each on a light mover just moving back and forward. Will add some pics at the end.

Something like This (click)

However $178 for something that is essentially the part of a mechano/lego set that fell down the back of the sofa is ridiculous. :shock:

I actually don't mind whether it's motorised or not. It would just be great if someone, who's made one, could point me in the right direction of; a rail, with a little wheel thing that fits that rail which I can attach to a light and move it back and forward. I'll be there every other if not every day to shove them back and forwards. Motorised would be great but not essential.

Only have paint on this crappy laptop


Original Light

New lights

