district attorney letter - RIU opinion and greenlight


WHATS CRAKIN fellow stoners
out of seeing so many "write to congress now!" on norml.org
I decided to get super lit and write a letter to my district attorney
I hope this is good enough and I need you guys to give me your honest opinion and the "Greenlight" to send it.

my dream is to write a good enough letter that I can mail to every single member of congress, and convince as many people as I can to do the same. At least it has a possibility of those dirty dirty politicians that the majority of the people are aware about the truth about this herb, and tired of the bullshit.

WARNING: I was super stoned when I worte this, forgive me if somthing sounds stupid, I only ask that you correct me. Everything in this letter is the absolute truth, and I did not make anything up, I spent time researching shit.

Eduardo Olivares
1223 S. Tucson Ave.
Tucson AZ, 85706
November 28, 2010

Terry Goddard
Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
1275 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Dear Terry Goddard:
The re-occurring violence and mishap caused by the war on drugs, places great emphasis on the arrests of American Marijuana users. According to the FBI, arrests related to the herb are the highest ever recorded. Approximately one American is arrested every 38 seconds for smoking the leaves of a hemp plant. Just like any other hard working American, Mary Jane users support their children, love their families, and pay their taxes. Why should endless hours of police work be spent on people using their recreational drug of choice? Millions of families are brought through great suffering, financial stress, and enormous pain when state agencies classify cannabis users as “dangerous,” and take their children away to foster homes. In reality, cannabis users pose no threat to America, or her children, and there is absolutely no reason to consider them to be criminals or to take their children away. Under the condition that you use full intellectual, honest, and sound consideration, I kindly invite you to support boosting our economy, reducing violence, and helping the sick, all simply through supporting the legalization of Aunt Mary.
Cannabis produces one of the earth’s toughest fibers, and is by far, Earth’s most renewable natural resource. When this fiber is extracted, it has many potential industrial uses. You can use it to make paper, plastics, foods, fiberglass, construction materials, bags, clothing, lotions, shampoos, oils, and can even be used as fuel. If biomass cannabis were farmed in only 6% of continental US acreage, it would provide all of America’s gas and oil needs, making us independent of fossil fuels. Producing hemp can create over 700 jobs in the state of Arizona, and bring in no less than $605 for every anchor of hemp. In California, this herb is the #1 cash crop for the state. An acre of hemp makes 10 times as more paper than an anchor of trees. Hemp paper does not yellow with age, lasts 50 to 100 times longer than preparations of papyrus, and is a hundred times easier and cheaper to make! Before Cannabis was illegal, in 1916, there were hemp pulp paper processes all over the U.S., and if they were still in use today, 40-70% of our printout paper, boxes, and paper bags would be made of hemp. Think about the mass amount of forest that would be saved, and the contribution this would make on the improvement of the quality and purification of our air, soil, and water, and the overall wellness of our planet’s sensitive ecosystem. It’s a shame to see drug dealers profit and steel our gift from nature, profit that goes to support terrorism.
Cartels and street violence are claiming lives every day over this harmless plant. Keeping this herb illegal costs the taxpayers an estimated $10 billion annually. If this plant were legalized, the Cartels would be put out of business, just like the bootleggers, and will allow more police resources open to public safety. The criminalization of Mary Jane damages individuals in terms of criminal record, their ability to get a job, and damages their relationship to society.
Like most herbs, this one serves as a potential weapon against glaucoma, chronic pain, arthritis, HIV/AIDs, and even cancer. In 1974, the US Government funded for research to be done on medical marijuana at the University of Virginia. Not only did they find that marijuana has no link to the cause cancer, but discovered that this herb kills three forms of cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, and lung cancer. This herb also reduces extreme muscle tensions, Nausea, and is safer than all pharmaceutical drugs. The miscomsumption of pills is the fourth leading killer in America. There are currently millions of medical marijuana patients legally in their states, but they are viewed as criminals by the nation.
I hope you have come to the realization that legalizing the Ganja will boost the economy, reduce violence, and help the sick. This misunderstood plant causes more social problems than the herb itself. Proof of the miseducation of this plant can be found on the website www.drugfreeaz.org. It claims that marijuana impairs a person ability to think, reason, learn, and form memory. At the upmost of my full knowledge, this is completely false. Evidence against this claim is that some of the most respected people of all time, like Albert Einstein, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin, have used and have all been in support of marijuana. There is a poorly supported myth that pot leads to other harder drugs. There is no proof of this, and you can’t blame the misuse of drugs on the substance, but on the person. It is obvious that people on hard drugs started out with smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, yet no one is complaining to the fully legit corporations of Marlboro or Budweiser, which are more dangerous to kids than marijuana can ever be.

“Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda,
smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see”
-Thomas Jefferson

Eduardo Olivares


Well-Known Member
if every RIU member sent one of these letters every day, anonymously, and they will see just how many people are actually using marijuana and they can't do shit about it, I think they will open their eyes, even just a little bit. and not only RIU, this should be global thing, big communities like RIU and NORML and many others should join and chose a date when everybody will just post an anonymous envelope to whom ever should receive this. When they will get MILLIONS of such letters... well, war's over, we win... peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Its obvious it was written by a stoner, so it will not be taken seriously. Spend a bit of time polishing it up, perhaps check out some books on rhetoric and it will be better.


CANNABIS is extremely important and should be taken seriously.

I'ma rewrite this whole thing in a more serious "credible" tone. I'll smoke less this time


every anchor of hemp. In California, this herb is the #1 cash crop for the state. An acre of hemp makes 10 times as more paper than an anchor of trees

should be

every ACRE of hemp. In California, this herb is the #1 cash crop for the state. An acre of hemp makes 10 times as more paper than an ACRE of trees

Other than that, it's a good letter, obviously written by a stoner (as NoDrama said above) so it would need a lot of polishing to make it useful. IF you could get half million - one million people to mail some version of that letter, it could (but probably wouldn't) help. Hell, it's worth a try! When do we do it?