

Active Member
Well, I have several plants that I have been growing, but only one of them have I had much hope in. My biggest, healthiest, prettiest plant....I just knew she would turn out just fine.

Except she turned out to be a he. I went in to check on them today. My big baby had little balls sprouting....two or three had opened and when I touched one, dusty powder, what I can only assume to be pollen, fell out of it.

I could have cried. This was my first project and I knew it was likely that I would fail, but this plant was just so pretty. *sigh*

I'm reluctant to throw it away....it just seems like there's SOMETHING I could do with it.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
sorry man next time try and plant a couple so when one turns out to be a male you arnt in a complete loss. I hear males arnt as potent as females but you could try some cooking with it, like hash brownies something to that extent.


Active Member
Yea, I have a few others growing...that was just my biggest, bushiest and prettiest. The funny thing is that supposedly, males are generally taller and scrawnier than the females, but this one was my bushiest plant and not as tall as the others. So now of course, I'm genuinely concerned that my other plants will turn out to be males also.

Also, on my male, there's a good bit of THC on the leaves.....to point of making my fingers sticky when I handle it. I popped a couple of the crystalized leaves into the microwave to try a quick smoke. I've got my pipe loaded and ready, so we'll see.

Maybe it's not a total loss.


Well-Known Member
If his plants were growing anywhere in the same vicinity, and some of the pods were already opened, and another opened on his hand, he's screwed. Sorry man...better luck next grow!


i have a magnifying glass in hopes i can catch them super early and remove them with extreme prejudice.


Active Member
I know there is no way you could have possibly known this, but I am a she....just for future reference. ;)

Anyhow, I removed the male as soon as I realized that's what it was. I haven't killed him, I have him in another closet trying to figure out what to do with him.

I have been looking up hash oil techniques, but I don't know if one male plant is enough to do anything with.

I think I need to work on my PH balancing and lighting before I try to grow again.

Thanks for the replies everyone.


New Member
Hello, Ms Fox ...

When the males are really beautiful like your's was, it means that the plant is gay. I'd say load up the pipe with him, take a good hit or two and put on a Judy Garland CD.
