Dinafem Auto Cheese and Barney's Auto Blue Mammoth 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Day 63, the new camera arrived. Woot!! I couldn't wait until the lights went out to try it, so the pictures are a bit pinkish.
7-5-12 s3 005.jpg7-5-12 s3 047.jpg7-5-12 s3 048.jpg


Well-Known Member
Still Day 63, but the lights are out. I got a nice pic of the 3, but I haven't figured out how to take a close up with the new camera.
7-5-12 015.jpg
Congrats on the new camera. Did they cross those things with a gene from a stretch armstrong doll or what? The plants look healthy though. I bet you will get a decent yield out of them, whenever they decide they want to finish up. How are you looking on the headroom for them?


Well-Known Member
I'm at the limit with the hooks they are on, but I can move the plants forward and sink hooks into the ceiling if I have to.
The lights just went out so here are some more pics.
7-8-12 045.jpg7-8-12 047.jpg


My friend started so many different fast flowering outdoor strains this year, 50% or so consisting of Kc Brains, he had 1 Auto Blue Mammoth and 1 Afgahn Kush Ryder, ive always been skeptical of Auto flowers , ILL TELL YOU WHAT BOY: they may not yield as much as Non-Auto's but in 60 days outside these 2 were just glistening with crystals on Chunky buds and he hadnt even gave them a Flowering base until day 50, it is day 60 today and after looking at them with him id say another 14-21 days and theyll be completely Plumped up as they were just barely starting to swell those beautiful Sites. Sry we dont do flash photography the plants are basically scaled down 3-5 times your average Non-Auto but the quality and quantity of those 2 little ones will easily pay for the cost of the grow and the time and energy put into it. If you live in a colder climate with shorter grow season i would honestly grow just those 2 strains put like 20 of each out and keep em sprayed with neem oil and these beauties will pay dividends. P.S. the Auto Blue Mammoth got about twice the size and branching of the Afgahn Kush ryder, probably twice the yield too but will see, and a side note the plants did well during the stressful periods.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad your friend had such great success, mine didn't auto flower. I think the ones from Dinafem and Barney's Farm are pure trash.


Wow you must be doing something wrong. My Blue mammoth looks amazing, fat crystal filled nugs, ill upload some pics later


He must of had those leds to far away cause iv never seen streatching like that on an auto unless the light was 2 far plus those leds dont have good penetration rays to begin with so id expect the plants to be 4 to 5 feet tall cause its rapidly growing to get the light it needs instead of flowering or bushing out. Im just saying this from experience hope you get some good smoke bro


hah couidnt agree more Piff....my older UFO experience.
It definitely is the penetration limitation of current 1-3w LEDs that has stretched them out that badly...focused lens help a little bit.
Keeping the panels within 3" (sativas)- 4" (indicas) at all times from tops will help prevent this in the future Xu....not 12 inches, too far.
The lumens/intensity dropoff is exponential with each inch making for only ~6" of optimal penetration using 3w panels.
I wouldve probably supercropped these, sacrificing the tops for concentrated light on way more budsites midway.
And have no fear to toptoptop/lst, its a weed, it always comes back.
5w LED panels (Solarflares/BlackDogs) have a good ~12"+ optimal penetration fyi. The tech is getting better!
Great job on this 1st grow btw. Learning with each grow is the most fun part.


Well-Known Member
i hope my autos i'm ordering don't turn out that way, im ordering them for a quick harvest while my landrace sativas go on. they're just starting to bud outside and probably won't be done till halfway through january or feb...i live at 12 latitude so there's no such thing as a 'season' for growing...
Hi guys,

Just popped into read this thread as im growing Dinafem Auto Cheese too, I dont know what happend but it might be those LED's, what i can tell you is the figures posted by seed wholesale are bullshit. Autos have a growth pattern different from photos - If you leave them long enough they will just be buds and all the leaves give up there nutes to fatten and make the buds more potent :)

- 18/6 light under a 250W HPS flower and 125W Bue spec CFL for the first 2 week.

They are really small which is a bit gutting but expected. But she does look potent as fuck, very solid nugs - Day 58 from seed


Sorry for high jacking the thread, just two cents.. how are yours doing? - wanna know how the barneys cheese turns out.


Day 42, still no flowers. I put 2 of them in the closet under 12/12 yesterday.
Hi mate, I am right to say that your are growing Dinafem Auto cheese? if so why are you using a 12/12 lighting pattern? autos love a minimum of 16/24, 18/24 would be better and to get a great yield 20/24! I have done several Critical Mass Auto and only one Dinafem Auto Cheese but they looked nothing like the one in the pics and the cheese harvested at 78 days with a great yield. have a look on the net on breeders site and they all advise at least 16/24 and some 20/24 depending on the strain. I wish you luck anyway and hope that you get a good smoke :-)


Well-Known Member
Finish the thread man, I'm thinking of getting some blue mammoth. It's auto which is perfect for me and the name is fucking awesome