Difference if it was legal


Active Member
How do you think legalization would affect your smoking? I know that a broad question but some examples?

Would you smoke more? Less? Be more open about it? No change? Etc?

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
I think prices might go down if it was legal, I try to think of it in terms of economics. There will be places selling weed all over the place, which means there will be competition

more competition leads to a better product and lower prices.

so yeah, i'd be smoking more. and doing it in public.


Active Member
Hmm...that's exactly the perception that keeps it illegal, me thinks -- fear that use would go way up and people would be smoking it and getting stoned in public -- not that that would be bad thing from my perspective.

\i'd don't think i'd change that much. i mean, i can actually only smoke so much anyway, since i'm pretty much useless when I do. and if i smoke TOO much, i don't get the feeling that i like from it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I'd smoke less. there's been a lot of signs in the past and in every smoker that moderation is the best way to go. seems like when you grow huge plants you don't get as high of quality as you would when you grow smaller danker plants.

likewise with smoking, your high isn't as high of quality when you smoke a lot compared to smoking in moderation. your cannabinoid receptors in your brain become less available the more you smoke, making your high feel less and less (and smoking more doesn't fix this.)

so your body and the plant seem to be telling you, keep it small and you'll have a better time ;).


Well-Known Member
I would go to the gas station, by a pack of joints, toke up on the way home, if I saw a cop on the street I would try my damndest to blow the smoke in his face.