Diesel Ryder 400 grow


Well-Known Member
Allright so I had some questions. This photo https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/grow-journals/343040d1236130007-diesel-ryder-400-grow-p1030847.jpg The intra-node spacing seems pretty large(the distance between buds on the stem) as if these were "reaching" due to lack of light. The auto strains I have played with seemed to have tighter spaced buds, however the differance could simply be growing conditions. Could you do your best to discribe yours including lumens per sqft and how many days from germination untill harvest, did you harvest it a bit early? About how much yield per plant?

Was the ryder version as dank and robust smelling as the orignal NYCD?
well, like stated before, that plant I harvested was by far the smallest, weakest plant...she either got a little stressed early in her life or just a weak phenotype...i'm not sure the yield yet, i'm gonna weigh it when dried, looks like round a half oz, maybe a tad less...it wasn't due to lack of light because the others are very healthy with tigher node spacing..i'm want more amber trichomes on the rest of the ladies, that one had mostly cloudy with a few amber and was harvest at around 60 days from germination...i used a 400w hps in a very small area, prob 3 ft wide, a foot deep and 4 feet tall and ended up with only 4 females under that light. i've never had the original version of NYCD, probably just some watered down version, but i can say already that this shit is dank as hell! and couldn't be more robust...the nugs i've quick dried give me an intense head rush when hit outta the bong with hints of diesel and grapfruit! i'd recommnend this strain to anybody interested in autos. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Allright the stress would explain it then and sounds like you have more than addiquite lighting. I just like to keep my eye on the differant ruderalis that arround and compare them. I like to screw with them in the veg area even though I have had left over pollen from seed runs screw the next run even though I thought I had cleaned very well.

I did the orignal lowryder and the strain that I got by planting bag-seed I saved from bags when I was in Guadalajara out did the orignal lowryder. The mirical bag-seed strain finishes a full week sooner although I dont think its as potient but more yield than the lowryder2 or automatic-ak47's I have messed with.

When it comes to trying to pass that autoflowering gene to a differant strain the lowryders gave me more success than the mexican one did for some reason. Alot of the attempted crosses of my hawaiian and my unknown ruderalis just never autoflowered but the ones that did autoflower had the hawaiian phenotypes where as my lowryder2/hawaiian crosses all most always autoflowered but didnt nessesarly take on all the good hawaiian Phenotypes I was looking for.

I think I got ahead of myself on that kind of thing anyways and that instead I should be crossing my unknown strain with another auto strain over multiple generations to stabilize the the phenotypes I like from the unknown one. I am just not sure what avaiable autoflowering strain(s) I should be starting with as a mate for my Mirical bag seed strain.


Well-Known Member
Allright the stress would explain it then and sounds like you have more than addiquite lighting. I just like to keep my eye on the differant ruderalis that arround and compare them. I like to screw with them in the veg area even though I have had left over pollen from seed runs screw the next run even though I thought I had cleaned very well.

I did the orignal lowryder and the strain that I got by planting bag-seed I saved from bags when I was in Guadalajara out did the orignal lowryder. The mirical bag-seed strain finishes a full week sooner although I dont think its as potient but more yield than the lowryder2 or automatic-ak47's I have messed with.

When it comes to trying to pass that autoflowering gene to a differant strain the lowryders gave me more success than the mexican one did for some reason. Alot of the attempted crosses of my hawaiian and my unknown ruderalis just never autoflowered but the ones that did autoflower had the hawaiian phenotypes where as my lowryder2/hawaiian crosses all most always autoflowered but didnt nessesarly take on all the good hawaiian Phenotypes I was looking for.

I think I got ahead of myself on that kind of thing anyways and that instead I should be crossing my unknown strain with another auto strain over multiple generations to stabilize the the phenotypes I like from the unknown one. I am just not sure what avaiable autoflowering strain(s) I should be starting with as a mate for my Mirical bag seed strain.
tru that dude...that's a little beyond my skills, i've never tried breeding or any of that..i'm just a simple dirt grower..i would like to learn though...my next grow i want a couple regular strains so i can try my hand at cloning...i know, i'm a little behind, but i've never tried it and it's not too hard..and syrius, what country u from?


Well-Known Member
Im right there with ya GrowKind. Soon I wanna learn how to breed/clone/make hash. I just seem to have a cursed room where NOTHING wants to grow :(

My autoseed has been stunted forsure. So i took it to my buddies house and we transplanted it in a cup of Miracle-Grow Seedling Starter (this stuff is great, 100% success rate so far) And we fed it a little bit of Roots Excellerater and Multizyme. Its already doing better. Newer growth has grown.

I dont meant o jack your thread but your thew only one im actually following with thats grown Auto's. How long do you think its safe to veg under 24/0 for? I wanna make the switch to 20/4 soon.


Well-Known Member
Im right there with ya GrowKind. Soon I wanna learn how to breed/clone/make hash. I just seem to have a cursed room where NOTHING wants to grow :(

My autoseed has been stunted forsure. So i took it to my buddies house and we transplanted it in a cup of Miracle-Grow Seedling Starter (this stuff is great, 100% success rate so far) And we fed it a little bit of Roots Excellerater and Multizyme. Its already doing better. Newer growth has grown.

I dont meant o jack your thread but your thew only one im actually following with thats grown Auto's. How long do you think its safe to veg under 24/0 for? I wanna make the switch to 20/4 soon.
sorry to hear that buddy, it'll get better. and now worries, i take all posts here, haha...umm, not long, i went probably 3 days total, maybe 4 of 24, then 20/4 with my MH and then 18/6 month later with my hps bulb. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I say you live in CAN. lucky.
yeah CAN, or maybe one of the northwest states, vermont or maine...lucky either way, i really gotta get to a medical state or can! you don't gotta be paranoid on this forum, the "MAN" has alot bigger fish to fry..


Well-Known Member
I am not conserned about the man. I just have never like to pin my location sence the dawn of the internet because I am an opinionated agrumentive asshole at times and that is sure to get me in trouble if folks knew exactly where to find me. Its not the fact were talking about weed, we could be talking about gas prices and I still wouldnt pin down my location, sorry its just the way I am.


Well-Known Member
I am not conserned about the man. I just have never like to pin my location sence the dawn of the internet because I am an opinionated agrumentive asshole at times and that is sure to get me in trouble if folks knew exactly where to find me. Its not the fact were talking about weed, we could be talking about gas prices and I still wouldnt pin down my location, sorry its just the way I am.
i feel ya bro, everybody is different i suppose...it's not like you're saying i live @ 123 stoned avenue, buffalo, ny...no worries either way...oh yeah, i decided to take some of the trim i had saved in the freezer, was like 15 to 20 grams, then some of the little buds i chopped from my smallest plant and like a gram of this super funk my buddy got me earlier, and some kief, putting all together for some dank cannabutter...the mixture is simmering right now on low, been doin that for bout 3 hours, is that enough or should i go 4? i haven't made this shit alot, but usually works great, some dif to try...i'll give ya report of how backed i am later. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Anytime I have made it I simmered it for an hour or so and didnt see the need to let it simmer more than that. The process works by the boiling water "washing" the crystals off the plant material. These canninabiods bind themselves to the fat content of the butter. Make sure you have boiled and agitated the mixture enough so that you get as much to fall of the plant material as possible is all..

Stuff cooked with the butter makes for a longer lasting buzz than smoken it and I have actually been stoped at a DUI checkpoint the cops had set up, while eating a special brownie and continued to eat that son of a bitch while the cop asked me where I had been and where I was going to. He said "well your not drinking all I can smell is that tasty looking brownie go on through". We laughed our asses off after we pulled away from there and the hippie chick I was dating said that she was actually considering offering the cop one!


Well-Known Member
Anytime I have made it I simmered it for an hour or so and didnt see the need to let it simmer more than that. The process works by the boiling water "washing" the crystals off the plant material. These canninabiods bind themselves to the fat content of the butter. Make sure you have boiled and agitated the mixture enough so that you get as much to fall of the plant material as possible is all..

Stuff cooked with the butter makes for a longer lasting buzz than smoken it and I have actually been stoped at a DUI checkpoint the cops had set up, while eating a special brownie and continued to eat that son of a bitch while the cop asked me where I had been and where I was going to. He said "well your not drinking all I can smell is that tasty looking brownie go on through". We laughed our asses off after we pulled away from there and the hippie chick I was dating said that she was actually considering offering the cop one!
yeah that's what i figured...it's in the fridge now cooling, it's sooo cool how there's that butter layer on top, i love it! :lol:
fucking hilarious, luckily i've never come up on one of those roadblocks...one time when i was in college i saw one up ahead at like 3 am, i busted a u-turn fast, and then ducked off on side streets...i was dumb when i was younger, whenever i made brownies i would just grind the bud up and put in with the mix, yuck, always tasted like shit and didnt get me that ripped, you probably know the scientific shit, but it works best with butter and oil, sumpin bout cooking the cannabinoids.


Well-Known Member
yeah CAN, or maybe one of the northwest states, vermont or maine...lucky either way, i really gotta get to a medical state or can! you don't gotta be paranoid on this forum, the "MAN" has alot bigger fish to fry..

They are tryin to pass a bill here to legalize Medical Marijuana!!!! I hope it goes through!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Could you drag this grow out any longer GrowKind :p. You have to satisfy our thirst at least every two days with pictures, I know how much you love your naughty nuggets ;). I'll be waiting for your update my friend, hope all is well, peace and love

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Could you drag this grow out any longer GrowKind :p. You have to satisfy our thirst at least every two days with pictures, I know how much you love your naughty nuggets ;). I'll be waiting for your update my friend, hope all is well, peace and love

KC :leaf:
haha, of course there northeast states, i was faded high last night! i'm gonna drag it out just for you KC, :mrgreen:
i'll try to get some new pics up today..peace dudes. :peace: