Diesel Ryder 200 watt closet veg, outdoor flower.


Active Member
Hey guys, just growing one plant to put outside once it starts flowering :-P

Planted in a peat pellet, surrounded by FFOF. Plan on using Fox Farms, GB and TB. For now I have a 200 w Feliz 6500k cfl with a bright wing over it sittin in ma closet for the next 3 or so weeks, then out she goes, if she doesn't turn out to be a male. Either case is fine, cause I'll just save the pollen. I am moving out soon which is why I am not growing more plants, this plant is just going to be a donation to nature, and then harvested if no one finds it. Once the move is done I will grow a bubba kush from which I will take clones from and have them 2700 k cfls, and 6500k as well throughout the entire grow.

Here is a pic of a very simple setup. Putting up reflective mylar all around it tomorrow once I get to it for when it pops the surface.

The light is off, I just turned it on to ask a question. Is it normal for the light to sorta hang down like that? I mean it's a huge bulb and it wont be fully parallel which is no problem, just that I don't want this light to break down because of its weight.



Active Member
Got the reflectors up, and a tap root is poking out of the seed so it has officially somewhat begun lol.

The reflector on the right is kinda wrinkly towards the wall mounted reflective material. It should work fine. And yes that is my ghetto fan fixture haha, I am getting a bigger fan soon to build a nice thick strong stem.



Active Member
I think it's ready for harvest! LOL :lol:

I also realized, I could diminish the yield if I put it outside after the short period of veg, so it will stay inside under 42 watt 2700k cfls once it starts to get a little bigger.

Anyways, just startin out slow, gotta build roots sometime, what better time than now :mrgreen:

