did my seed give me...twins?


Active Member
I dont know man but thats crazy! you sure you didnt accidently drop in 2 beans, if not that may be one hell of a plant

Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
nope only bought 3 seeds and they are in 3 sep pots so its one for sure... imagine that my first gorw and i get something most people dont ever see... then again most people dont grow weed ;p


Active Member
awesome! its always good to see a favorable mutation. dont worry it should be a great plant. i have seen mutations with 3 sets of leaves instead of two but i ahvent seen twins yet. i bet you get ALOT better yield off of that one than your other 2

Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
i sure hope so :D although its a shame it wasnt the haze or the widow that twined... although aint nuthin wrong with kush... although it very easily could be a diferent one since all my seeds got mixed up and i had to label them based on memory... now what was it they said about stoner memory... i can't quite remember...


bud bootlegger
you should check out doobieous's grow journal.. got twins? she had the same thing happen to her.. the one twin lasted only a week or so before it died, but it was kool to see for awhile.. i hope that you have better luck keeping yours alive then she did with hers, but i just think that the one plant is going to be weaker and therefore will not strive as well as needed...
best of luck though

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Subcool's seeds (TGA) are getting a rep for producing lots of twins & some have grown out sweet.


I had something similar happen to a bag seed I started growing a while back, it's turned out very favorably. I more or less have two plants. I named it Ed because of it's "special" way of growing.

I attached the pic.



bud bootlegger
that is awesome.. tooo kool to get two plans for the price of one... one quick ? for yah... did they turn out to be fraternal or maternal twins? ie, where they both chics or did one have a dick? that would be killer to be able to get two girls that produced nice bud from one bean... too kool...
i hadn't heard that about tga seeds, and i was looking at getting either some querkle or some jillybean beans from them... nice to know though.. thanks for the info


bud bootlegger
nice kashkrop.. have you ever grown either of these out before? i have read alot of good things about team green avenger, and have been dying to get my hands on them.. my dumb luck that the attitude didn't start to carry their beans untill after i made my purchases.. thseeds mk ultra and dna's sour cream going on now, but i am sure to get some tga next grow..

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
nice kashkrop.. have you ever grown either of these out before? i have read alot of good things about team green avenger, and have been dying to get my hands on them.. my dumb luck that the attitude didn't start to carry their beans untill after i made my purchases.. thseeds mk ultra and dna's sour cream going on now, but i am sure to get some tga next grow..
Nope,first time for me.For seeds check out Bidzbay,good people there.


bud bootlegger
yeah.. kool. kashkrop.. i was on there the other day checking out shit... looks pretty good and i like the buy it now option as i am not sure how i feel about bidding on beans.. but thanks for the link
good luck with your grow