Did my reasearch, still cant figure it.. PICS


Active Member
To start with, I am a total newb to this but have made some decent progress up to about a week ago.

My plants are under 2 4' florecents, 1 is a 6700k and the other is a full spectrum "grow light". My media consists of Miracle-Gro potting soil nothing added to it to date. My drainage is good, and I only water when i know they need it.

I added a couple of 26watt 6700k CFL's just to see if it would help. Well I added them yesterday at around 8pm and woke up to 1 of my plants wilted and drooping so bad I didnt recognize the damn thing.

That Im sure is a case of the lights being to close, but other than that for the past week or 2 it seems like the plants just stopped growing. not to mention they are all a very light green and have a dark maroon color on the stem of each leaf.

Please take a look at the pics and post any reccomendations, if more info is needed I will post it immediatly. I apologize for the pathetic picture quality, I just moved and my camera is still packed somewhere, so phone cam was all I was workin with.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
you soil sucksas do your lights
the plant has a very small looking stalk
it is not from the light


Well-Known Member
Its a little stretched because its not getting enough light... but you just added more... so that should help. Give it a light dose of nutes. It may have slowed down in growth because it needs to eat.


Well-Known Member
if u using CFL's like u saying you are it can be one inch away from the plant looks hella streched... how old is you plant??? looks like it well over due of some full dose of Nutes!


Active Member
I didn’t use a fan initially, but have added 2 ocilating ones over 2 weeks ago and a ceiling ventalation fan.. I started the plants from seed on 9/22 and they popped up on 9/26. The stretching is most likely due to the fact that I didn’t get a decent amount of lighting until they were well into their second week, and by decent I mean the (2) 4' tubes (totaling 80 watts and 4000 lumens) and just added the 2 CFLs yesterday.

Please understand that I am the first to admit that I am new to this "hobby", but is the lighting setup I have excluding the CFLs really that bad? Not that this guy or this video is what everyone goes by or anything, but the Green Guy uses the same setup and actually has less of a lumen output than I’m running and does just fine, but again, I don’t know much, so please continue to post input.

As far as nutes go, since I haven’t introduced any to date and also taking into consideration what was already present in the Miracle-Gro, can anyone recommend some specifics please?

Thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it!


Active Member
If in MG soil, dont nute for at least 2 months.

Thanks BBB, thats what I assumed, but wasnt sure due to the non-existant expierience. That being said, do you have any suggestions pertaining to what I should do to liven up my plants? Thanks bro


Well-Known Member
one word "superthrive" look 4 it in the nute section on insidesun.com
used in previous grow gave some 2 my dying plants they all made it 2 harvest


Well-Known Member
I didn’t use a fan initially, but have added 2 ocilating ones over 2 weeks ago and a ceiling ventalation fan.. I started the plants from seed on 9/22 and they popped up on 9/26. The stretching is most likely due to the fact that I didn’t get a decent amount of lighting until they were well into their second week, and by decent I mean the (2) 4' tubes (totaling 80 watts and 4000 lumens) and just added the 2 CFLs yesterday.

Please understand that I am the first to admit that I am new to this "hobby", but is the lighting setup I have excluding the CFLs really that bad? Not that this guy or this video is what everyone goes by or anything, but the Green Guy uses the same setup and actually has less of a lumen output than I’m running and does just fine, but again, I don’t know much, so please continue to post input.

As far as nutes go, since I haven’t introduced any to date and also taking into consideration what was already present in the Miracle-Gro, can anyone recommend some specifics please?

Thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it!
Theres a rule of thumb....Always Plan Before U Plant!! but i understand jus learn from it and youll get better


New Member
Humidity is way too low. It should be up around 70% RH. You're plants are giving off water faster than they can take it up from the roots.


Well-Known Member
BigBudBalls, congratulation you ahve the second most annoying avatar on RIU after Al.B.! :clap:
LOL. Someone just said they loved it.
(know where it comes from? That can help)

There have been a few other disturbing ones out there. GrnMan had one for a while. And forgot who, but it was an Asian girl with 2 sets of eyes. I felt stoned just looking at it.

I like Al's. Reminds me of the 60's style counter culture comics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks BBB, thats what I assumed, but wasnt sure due to the non-existant expierience. That being said, do you have any suggestions pertaining to what I should do to liven up my plants? Thanks bro
Superthrive might help. The labels seems to say different things. I just use a drop or 2 in a gal. Some times 5 or 7. It might be snake oil, might be great. Tough to tell and everyone has an opinion on it. One is that its SO expensive. But at these doses, the $6 bottle will last like 2 or 3 years. So it amortizes out as pretty cheap.

Looks like it could be over or under watered.

Did you add anything to the soil? (perlite or the like)
I put perlite in all soils, MG, FF, etc. I do not like vermiculite for soil. The soil itself seems to hold enough water. I don't think you can add too much perlite. The end effect of that would be watering more often. Which means the roots are in more 'air' more of the time (one of the perks to most hydro styles.)

I don't think it looks *that* stretched considering the initial lighting and its still a seedling. It has a lot of time to fatten up.