Did i plant not deep enough?


New Member
Ok i planted yesterday night and today i was observing the plant after i moistened the soil i mixed the top layer of soil around and i saw the top of the seed is this cause i planted to high or is it just growing ? I used the end of a pencil and but it in the root was big tho so if i did plant it to high is this bad ? Will it kill the plant? Sorry but if you cant tell im a newbie haha ive read multiple books and watched videos on growing but learning something and actually doing it is two differant things


Active Member
its growing with the helmet on because your messing with the soil and she had to leave it on for safty concerns of you knocking her head off, stirring around in the soil with the end of a pencil,Just leave it, she will come up with protection on her head now.


New Member
Ok thank you an by top layer i didnt mean like i dug into it i ment like the big chunks of lose soil on top i just broke it down with my fingers and when i lifted a chunk i saw it

The pencil thing was talking about how i used te end of it to measure the depth of the hole before i planted it just to be clear


Well-Known Member
As long as it is covered by soil, I think you are fine. It is prob just about to break through and the seed shell is still attached. Like my kids in a china store, you can look but don't touch :-)