Did I do the right thing?(*pics*)

i had to harvest 3 of my plants the other day cause the buds were starting to rot.
the strain is meant for indoors,(pot of gold),and
they were only into they're 6th/7th week. there is some amber trichs although not much, but the weed still has a nice taste and high.
Did i do the right thing, or did i make a beginner mistake and harvest too early when the problem could have been fixed.?

(sorry if some of the pics are blurry)
i have a 2-3 foot bubba kush that may meet the same fate on Tuesday.



Well-Known Member
should still smoke real well! MOLD SUCKS I HAD SOME LAST YEAR. IHATEIT. Still smoke some of it that wasnt completly horrible lookin and i was fine no bad side effects at all SURPRISINGLY! just tasted a little funky


Damn Bro that does stink. I don't know the remedies for rot, but have had it happen so I feel for you. the good news is that while it may not be fully mature, looks like some decent specimens you have there...


Well-Known Member
I'm very worried about rot because my location is very low lying and at night all the vegetation gets soaked from dew. I'm thinking of stringing up a bunch of extension cords and putting a fan on my plants at night time and putting the fans away during the day for concealment purposes.
Damn Bro that does stink. I don't know the remedies for rot, but have had it happen so I feel for you. the good news is that while it may not be fully mature, looks like some decent specimens you have there...

thanks, and it is. although its not a heavy high, its still good enough to do what its meant for.


Well-Known Member
I fucking hate mold. I've been fighting it all year and will probably lose a couple plants to it as well.
so does anyone have any opinions? could it have been fixed, or would they have just ended up dying eventually? \im going to get some strains that are compatible with the conditions i have to deal with, but id like for this to never happen again. are there any precautions i could take or do i just have to look and hope it never comes.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
so does anyone have any opinions? could it have been fixed, or would they have just ended up dying eventually? \im going to get some strains that are compatible with the conditions i have to deal with, but id like for this to never happen again. are there any precautions i could take or do i just have to look and hope it never comes.

Im not aware of anything that will stop rot. I just pick it off as I see it to control it a bit. Happens every year, either thick colas or something shit on it, rain also causing wet conditions.

i think maybe just cause its a damp humid area where i am. and the buds are thick dense sticky nuggets so it's more susceptible to mold.

Yes indeed. I will pull the plant if it gets to ridulous. Mostly I just pick it off. If the last 2 weeks of the plants life are going to be rain I would pull it. I try not harvets early, rather harvest a little less of better weed.
Im not aware of anything that will stop rot. I just pick it off as I see it to control it a bit. Happens every year, either thick colas or something shit on it, rain also causing wet conditions.

Yes indeed. I will pull the plant if it gets to ridulous. Mostly I just pick it off. If the last 2 weeks of the plants life are going to be rain I would pull it. I try not harvets early, rather harvest a little less of better weed.

thanks for the tips, i have another plant that is at the same stage, im going to be watching it very closely. and hopefully i wont lose too much of it if any at all or have to chop it early!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I try to keep cutting it off. I've been removing it from my plants since two weeks before they started budding. Must be a bad area...and it's been hot and humid all summer....two showers a day there for almost a month. It's a salvage game is what I tell myself, I can't find anything to stop it so I just pick it off.


Well-Known Member
I love how you've got your buds strung up to dry right by a window with no curtains or shades on it!

You must be fearless.
I love how you've got your buds strung up to dry right by a window with no curtains or shades on it!

You must be fearless.

i live in canada. really soft weed laws here. and really, no judge is going to send someone to jail for growing a personal stash of pot. and if they do its not for long.
plus theres nothing around any of my windows except trees trees and a hell of a lot more trees.