

Active Member
Hey Guys-

My clones are on day 6 and I feel like something is wrong with them but I'm unsure how to correct it. I'm on an ebb & gro system, my ppm is about 300 and pH is right around 6. On day one, I ran a flood cycle with shitty tap water (about 500 ppm) which I'm sure was a mistake so I idled them for 2 days on distilled water to flush them out. Now I'm on day 6, I added 90mL of a solution to 21 gallons of water called "Root 66" to help establish roots (rated at 1-1-1), so I don't think I over fertilized them--could be wrong though. A few of the plants have white tips on the end of their leaves and some of the leaves are yellow. The stems are all purple as well. Any input is appreciated--thanks.



Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You need to be able to check if roots are growing. Once roots are in, the plants need weak nutrients immediately since they've probably been surving on plain water for a week or so. Your clones, especially the first pic, look like rooted plants that are now starving.

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
see the 4th one (picture) dude? those 3 leaves are leaves that were on there when you cut the snip. now... my theory is that those leaves are gonna die anyways, so rather than feed them lets cut off the tips- im sure youve seen that. its just easier on the plant to root when theres less leaf space to feed....common sense, right? you know, sometimes those leaves yellow and die and sometimes they wont, but ive noticed that if theres ANY new growth youll be cool.

now, the CAP sytem is new to me, but theres a great forum on here for ebb and flow users https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/269859-all-cap-ebb-grow-users.html. read that shit. dudes suggest top feeding the first few weeks because the ebb wont come high enough to contact roots. i dont know. ill be able to help you after i use it myself, i hope.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. Like I said, when I first got the clones, I ran a flood cycle with my shitty tap water so I stopped using the system and topfed them with some distilled water from a water bottle. After a day of doing that, I added a little bit of the low-strength nutrient (Root 66) to a water bottle and continued to top feed them for another day or so. I just started using the system again, and I'm running two flood cycles of 15 minutes each at 2pm and 2am (when the lights go off). The new leaves on the plants look to be pretty healthy, it's just the older ones that you can see from the picture that look like they're struggling and have funky tips. At first I was afraid this was from having too strong of a solution, and I've read on the forum that you're supposed to let the plants develop a nice healthy root system and wait for them to come through the bottom of the bucket before you boost the nutrient level. Is this true or do you think I should add some more nutrients?

I pulled back the hydroton and noticed that they are indeed growing roots, but they're still not very expansive.

So basically, are my plants still reacting to the shitty tap water of 500ppm, have too many nutrients, or are they being starved? Or is it none of the above, and the leaves look the way they do because the plant is supplementing resources from it's leaves to supply nutrients to it's developing root system? Like I said they're still pretty young, about 5-6 days old.

I'll cut the tips off of the leaves on some of the bigger leaves to help maintain it.

Any other thoughts/considerations/comments/questions/ect. are appreciated!!

