Diagnosis please (photos)


Active Member
Hydroponic growing, unlike soil, means that you have to provide the plant with ALL necessary food in order to grow.
I went on the Canna site, and they didn't have the guarunteed analysis of hydro vega - so I am not sure exactly
what you are putting into your plants, but I know it's not enough... Your plant needs many different vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to thrive.

I would pick up some Cal / MG from Botanicare - and start researching complete nutrient programs to ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need.

If you would like some help - I would be happy working with you to put together a complete program - but I need to know things like - if you have a preference for a certain company, budget, goals - etc.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
During veg it is best to have ph around 6.1, 5.8 is better for flowering, plants will absorb different nutes better at different PH's


I accept with information:Hydroponic growing, unlike soil, means that you have to provide the plant with ALL necessary food in order to grow.