Devising a plan. Any tips from the pros?


Sprouting seeds in a papertowel(indoors)
moving sprouts in to a cup with potting soil(indoors)
moving best sprout to a mason jar with potting soil when a little larger(outdoors)
putting her in the ground when theyre big enough to(outdoors, duh)
watch the motherfucker grow for a bit.

Am i doing it wrong? I'm just a nervous virgin grower.


New Member
dont use mason jars.. you need small holes in the bottom of the cups or pots. It lets the water run out and lets the soil dry out. You dont want it to stay wet for too long or you will have problems. Germinate them right in the dirt. Put one seed in each cup. Keep them moist until they sprout. Good luck


Ok. No mason jars. The cups are the little black ones that come when you buy garden flowers. Holes in the bottom. I heard about mold problems so alright. How much dirt in each cup and how deep do I put the seeds?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What kind of cup?

Bury seeds so that there is about 1/4 inch of soil above them. Any deeper and they will use too much energy trying to surface.


this is also my plan on my first grow

i have one seed that i germinated in water and im bout to plant it in a cup

can i use a circle k cup?


Well-Known Member
agreed for outdoors nothing black or see through. Light and heat will merk the roots. Like Flaming Pie said just get red ones.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Roots need to stay dark, so no clear cups. Do what the other guy said and poke some holes in a solo cup. I have even used plastic cups from Burger King and taco bell, just cut the top off to the desired height, poke holes and plant one seed per cup. After I add soil I like to water the cups before I plant the seeds, makes it easier to keep the seed at desired level in the soil. I then make a small hole in the dirt for the seed, plant it, cover it and water in the seed. Then I cover the cup with shrink wrap and a rubber band to keep it in place.