Determine Your Sex by Cloning


Well-Known Member
Cloning For Sex

Determine plant sex accurately, 100 percent of the time by using this method “cloning for sex”. To clone for sex, take two cuttings from each parent plant in question. Take two clones in case the other dies (always have a backup plan)Use labels to identify the clones and the parents.

Give rooting clones a 12 hour light/dark cycle. Flowering is forced fastest when given fluorescent light the first week and HID light after that. After a 12 hour day, set clones in a dark closet or place a box over top of them. The dark period must be 100% to induce the flowering of the clone. Clones usually show what sex they are within 2 weeks. Now you know which ones are males, so do what you must with them and make sure to get them out of the room of your females.

Now if you are tight on space and only have one room, root the clones in a nursery flat and cover it with a light –tight cardboard box for 12 hrs every night. If the box is can not breathe you are asking for problems, so take the cardboard box after the lights go out in your main room to increase your air circulation.


Active Member
Is there a good time period to take a cutting from a plant(outdoor)?
I wouldn't want to hurt the integrety of my plant by cutting off a piece at the wrong time. I'm sure there is a specific time/heigth where you can safely cut off a branch.