

how many watts do you figure you could get away with without raising an eyebrow from the electrical company? in an apartment.


Active Member
Well if you use a 400 Watt MH or HPS its going to be about 30 bucks a month depending on where you live a lil increase or decrease wont tip any one off


Well-Known Member
a small space heater runs 1500 watts.
so you could run 1000 watt HPS and a few hundred watts of florescents, for veg and have a few hundred for fans and pumps. Pay your bill and they don't care what you're using - you're a good customer.


Well-Known Member
i run about 1400w once fans/lights etc are all accounted for an that costs me about an extra £20-35 a month


i need to move to essex i run a 400 watt hps with fan and it costs me an extra £10 a week. i grow in soil so no pumps or anything.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
1000W per bedroom is generally considered safe. I run twice that and never had a problem. Pay the bill on time or you may trigger some agency designed to help indigent customers.
In an apartment I would be much more worried about maintenance people.They can and will come into your apt. without notice when you're not home in case of emergency. Like if a pipe in the wall leaks,etc.
Be stealthy and be safe.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think the power company cares as long as you pay the bill on is the people that try to steal the necessary power that get ratted out...I mean technically with how high our power bill is every month from normal things they might think we are doing crazy genetic experiments or something...but they never long as we pay it...


Misguided Angel
I think growing is an apartment is where your danger would lie...
Very true. What happens when the landlord gives you 24 hours notice to come in and you have a whole set up to try and take down, never mind what do you do with the plants. I have seen it done quite successfully on here quite a few times though. i wouldn't personally, but I have the luxury of owning my own home which not everybody does. Just be careful.