Desperate Democrats Deploy Racism Accusations Early to Justify Obama Loss


Well-Known Member
All he needs to do is read those quotes outloud and use his noggin for just a second if he's on the level he should beable to work it out
agreed. perhaps he is just trolling? sometimes i can't tell where his trolling ends and his non-trolling begins. his trolling has been improving.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
In the spirit of the OP I ask a question, and please excuse my naivety...but why is the word "nigger" offensive to black people? Where did it come from? I assume from Spanish but why does it above all other words make black people freak the fuck out?

I understand it's offensive (before Captain Obvious strikes) but I would just like to know why? What gives it it's power?

Suspiciously close to "those niggers should stop being so sensitive" or "I don't know why those niggers are so upset by me calling them niggers"
sound pretty inconsiderate and judgmental to me


Well-Known Member
funny part about Obama, he is not black, he is mixed race. Half white, half black, why do people call him black? Herman Cain is black.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
In the spirit of the OP I ask a question, and please excuse my naivety...but why is the word "nigger" offensive to black people? Where did it come from? I assume from Spanish but why does it above all other words make black people freak the fuck out?

I understand it's offensive (before Captain Obvious strikes) but I would just like to know why? What gives it it's power?
sigh... i prepare myself to be reported but here goes.

the portugese were the leaders in the western slave trade, the portagee word for black is Negro (just like spansh)
when read with a southern drawl, the portugese Negro becomes Negrah.
from there it was just one drunken hillbilly vocalization from becoming Nigger.

the word as used by southern drawlers was ALWAYS considered an insult, similar to Boy, Coon, Buck/Sow and many other words whose sole purpose was to dehumanize the slave and make him easier to view as chattel instead of a person.

meanwhile the root word, pronounced "neegroh" was considered simply a polite way of describing someone who was black, then the choice was made to take the label up a few syllables to "Coloured" (which is still used in the NAACP's name). after a while, black was in vogue, then afro-american, then african american, then black again, and now, nobody is really sure since "nigger" is making a HUGE comeback, with dizzying popularity and stunning numbers in all the focus groups except older and/or educated blacks and white liberals.

of course it never went out of fashion in the redneck community where it is viewed as a Classic. and classics never go out of style.

the real puzzle is why the name "sambo" is viewed as a commentary on blacks when it is in fact a proper name among indians, and is the name of the eponymous protagonists in a story about outwitting a hungry tiger.

likewise i got in a shouting match with an employer over a discussion of the meaning of a word in a shakespear sonnet when a freind asked me if shakespear was a racist since he called somebody a "niggard".... after i stopped laughing and explained that the two words were unrelated we were overheard by an "african american" fellow employee who assumed we were plotting a lynching. essentially some people are LOOKING for an excuse to get offended, and im too old to pussyfoot (sorry ladies) around with a bunch of halfwitted (sorry mongoloids [sorry retards <sorry mentally challenged>]) cockbreaths (sorry homos) who cant get it through their pointy heads (sorry microcephalics) that every word (sorry illiterates) uttered (sorry deaf people) does not have to be politically correct, nor do we need a thought police (sorry phony psychics)to ensure that nobody (sorry imaginary friends) gets offended if somebody says something innocent (sorry criminals)like :

"Barry Seotoro is a kenyan secret moslem raised in indonesia and schooled in the marxist socialist dogma with the specific plan to destabilize our nation and undermine our resolve to fight the war on drugs with his misceginated manchurian candidate plots and schemes which are most likely being run by the blidebergers, the CFR and the trilateral commission in conjunction with 7 foot tall lizard aliens from another dimension thats powered by the screams of children (and the lizards are also jews)"

but im not saying that...

im just saying it's out there.


Well-Known Member
funny part about Obama, he is not black, he is mixed race. Half white, half black, why do people call him black? Herman Cain is black.
he self identifies as black because that is how others treated him his whole life.

it's funny, it used to be one drop of black made you black. now, not even being half black makes you black.

thank goodness for white people to define the social construct of race.


Well-Known Member
sigh... i prepare myself to be reported but here goes.

the portugese were the leaders in the western slave trade, the portagee word for black is Negro (just like spansh)
when read with a southern drawl, the portugese Negro becomes Negrah.
from there it was just one drunken hillbilly vocalization from becoming Nigger.

the word as used by southern drawlers was ALWAYS considered an insult, similar to Boy, Coon, Buck/Sow and many other words whose sole purpose was to dehumanize the slave and make him easier to view as chattel instead of a person.

meanwhile the root word, pronounced "neegroh" was considered simply a polite way of describing someone who was black, then the choice was made to take the label up a few syllables to "Coloured" (which is still used in the NAACP's name). after a while, black was in vogue, then afro-american, then african american, then black again, and now, nobody is really sure since "nigger" is making a HUGE comeback, with dizzying popularity and stunning numbers in all the focus groups except older and/or educated blacks and white liberals.

of course it never went out of fashion in the redneck community where it is viewed as a Classic. and classics never go out of style.

the real puzzle is why the name "sambo" is viewed as a commentary on blacks when it is in fact a proper name among indians, and is the name of the eponymous protagonists in a story about outwitting a hungry tiger.

likewise i got in a shouting match with an employer over a discussion of the meaning of a word in a shakespear sonnet when a freind asked me if shakespear was a racist since he called somebody a "niggard".... after i stopped laughing and explained that the two words were unrelated we were overheard by an "african american" fellow employee who assumed we were plotting a lynching. essentially some people are LOOKING for an excuse to get offended, and im too old to pussyfoot (sorry ladies) around with a bunch of halfwitted (sorry mongoloids [sorry retards <sorry mentally challenged>]) cockbreaths (sorry homos) who cant get it through their pointy heads (sorry microcephalics) that every word (sorry illiterates) uttered (sorry deaf people) does not have to be politically correct, nor do we need a thought police (sorry phony psychics)to ensure that nobody (sorry imaginary friends) gets offended if somebody says something innocent (sorry criminals)like :

"Barry Seotoro is a kenyan secret moslem raised in indonesia and schooled in the marxist socialist dogma with the specific plan to destabilize our nation and undermine our resolve to fight the war on drugs with his misceginated manchurian candidate plots and schemes which are most likely being run by the blidebergers, the CFR and the trilateral commission in conjunction with 7 foot tall lizard aliens from another dimension thats powered by the screams of children (and the lizards are also jews)"

but im not saying that...

im just saying it's out there.
Ahh so it's basically a derogatory way to call a black person "slave"? I still don't fully understand why it's SO offensive tho.

In our native tongue you can't call a person a black person, we call them a blue person, because directly translated "black man" is fear dubh, which when translated to English means "The Devil". So we have to call black people "fear gorm" which directly translated means "blue man".

Its not racist, the language pre-dates black people first arriving here.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ahh so it's basically a derogatory way to call a black person "slave"? I still don't fully understand why it's SO offensive tho.

In our native tongue you can't call a person a black person, we call them a blue person, because directly translated "black man" is fear dubh, which when translated to English means "The Devil". So we have to call black people "fear gorm" which directly translated means "blue man".

Its not racist, the language pre-dates black people first arriving here.
ha ha ha ha see thats funny cuz i know a few cats who arent black, they are whatcha call


so black they acheive a violet spectrum shift and becomes a midnight purple indigo color that sucks all the light out of a room. when i was in LA we had one cat who was burple, and one cat who was a sure as shit albino. together they almost balanced out and became grey.

every time i seen em together (they was best pals) all i could see was the classic sinatra and davis routine "Me And My Shadow" but they didnt sing. what a shame. i tried to teach em the song when we was smokin weed one night but they didnt get it and we were too loaded. it woulda been epic.

also, you forget, it's ALWAYS RACIST!

im more racister than you but youre pretty racist as well.

i farted earlier and that was racist too.

that piss youre gonna take tomorrow morning... yes thats racist too.

not the piss itself, but the act of urination is racist.

and so is the piss.

and the toilet, because its white.

unless your toilet is a different colour, then thats even more racist.

unless your toilet is black, in that case it's super racist and youre worse than hitler.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I would like someone to tell me why, if the "N" word is so offensive to a certain race of people, do some people of that same race use it towards each other?



Well-Known Member
he self identifies as black because that is how others treated him his whole life.

it's funny, it used to be one drop of black made you black. now, not even being half black makes you black.

thank goodness for white people to define the social construct of race.
maybe you can be whatever race you choose! I think race should be a personal choice issue, not some lock down on what your ancestors were or some oppressive practice as that.


Well-Known Member
maybe you can be whatever race you choose! I think race should be a personal choice issue, not some lock down on what your ancestors were or some oppressive practice as that.
race is a social construct. you are attempting to mold that social construct for whatever retarded reason. to me it just seems like you are chomping at the bit to point out that obama is this color or that.

deal with it and move on. most of the rest of the country already has, clayton and others excluded.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
race is a social construct. you are attempting to mold that social construct for whatever retarded reason. to me it just seems like you are chomping at the bit to point out that obama is this color or that.

deal with it and move on. most of the rest of the country already has, clayton and others excluded.
all interaction between more people than ONE is a social construct.

claiming that race is merely a social construct does not remove it's power, make it invalid, or prove that it is irrelevant.

race is fundamental to all societies. every one of them, even liberal society. especially liberal society.

race is just one symptom of "Otherness" that separates those within a group from outsiders. it happens to be one of the few things a person cannot change to assimilate into a new social group (Michael Jackson's futile attempts notwithstanding) and it is one of the few things that makes a person a part of a single social group for his entire life.

race is more than just a social construct it is a social constructor. one of the most persistent and powerful social forms in human existence. in any crowd any person can immediately pick out other persons who are like himself, by their race. they may not wear the same clothing, eat the same foods or even speak the same language but they will be drawn together by their Sameness, and it's position in the Otherness of the crowd.

when i have my summer brown on due to extensive work outdoors, i would often find myself being approached by chicanos who would speak to me in spanish on the simple and understandable assumption that i was one of them. often they were seeking assistance of an assimilated chicano as a translator or for advice or information. they were usually quitre surprised that my spanish was so poor and that my accent was pure norte americano.

a friend of mine has distinctive slavic features and was often approached by ukrainians, russians, and pretty much any former soviet republic's immigrants and they would simply assume he spoke russian because he looked like them. they sought him out. asiuans would gravitate towards asian personnel, and blacks would go out of their way to get help from the black guy.

it is the comfort of sameness that makes race so powerful, and inescapable. those who do not live in a "multicultural" area do not understand how the basic human nature turns "multiculturalism" into cliquishness and self segregation in short order.

unless you lefties can figure out a way to re-wire the brains of every human on the planet and remove the Same = Good, Different = Bad instincts of all social creatures then you are just deceiving yourselves.

some people will never trust BHO because he is black, others will deride him because he is not black enough (al sharpton) and others will embrace him solely on his sameness to themselves as opposed to mitt romney's otherness.

thats why you guys keep harping on mitt's wealth, mormonism and other oddities. you wish to increase his Otherness to offset obama's already significant Otherness.

barry would do better if he could make himself more familiar to the people he wants to win over, to increase his Sameness, rather than focusing on mitt's Otherness. unfortunately BHO is simply unappealing to most people because he is a sanctimonious prat who cant connect with joe sixpack any more than mitt romney can, and make no mistake joe sixpack is the guy who will decide this election.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
maybe you can be whatever race you choose! I think race should be a personal choice issue, not some lock down on what your ancestors were or some oppressive practice as that.