Derealization Sucks....


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had derealization before? It's pretty much when you feel constantly high, except is one of the worst, most dissociative highs in the world. You literally constantly feel detached from reality, and you are pretty much emotionaly numb. To me it's the closest thing to being dead without actually dying, especially when it's accompanied by depression.

Has anyone else ever had this? I'm having a hard time getting through it, and I've had it for about 4 months now. Any success stories are more than welcome....


Well-Known Member
It's not as much a mental problem, it's pretty much a side effect of overstress. You brain is literally trying to protect you from more stress, so it goes into this state.


i understand completely....... are you seeing a doctor? on meds? everyone is different.... medication could be the problem, or it could be the solution.... aside from that, you have to find what helps for you personally.... for me its physical work, especially if its something i enjoy like gardening.... I would like to hear more about your situation though


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had derealization before? It's pretty much when you feel constantly high, except is one of the worst, most dissociative highs in the world. You literally constantly feel detached from reality, and you are pretty much emotionaly numb. To me it's the closest thing to being dead without actually dying, especially when it's accompanied by depression.

Has anyone else ever had this? I'm having a hard time getting through it, and I've had it for about 4 months now. Any success stories are more than welcome....
I've been there, but only for short periods of time, a week or two, or three at most. It was always when things were very, very bad. You need to find a way to deal with or else remove yourself from the stressful situation you are in. Also I hope that you are working with a doctor on this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah gogrow I was just put on Adderall beuase this thing is causing me to have ADD symptoms, and it is helping. But I'm not sure if it is just a temporary thing. That and the herb is all the meds I'm on.

I am working with a doctor on this, and right now were trying to figure out what the cause is. I want to steer clear of antidepressants, just because of the withdrawal.

I'm doing as much as I can to stay active, I work out, take walks, I'm starting to mediitate too but this just won't go away.

I think it's funny how smart the mind really is, and I've been researching this and people generally say your mind will return to normal once your ready, so right now I'm just trying to figure out the cause and work from there.


Yeah gogrow I was just put on Adderall beuase this thing is causing me to have ADD symptoms, and it is helping. But I'm not sure if it is just a temporary thing. That and the herb is all the meds I'm on.

I am working with a doctor on this, and right now were trying to figure out what the cause is. I want to steer clear of antidepressants, just because of the withdrawal.

I'm doing as much as I can to stay active, I work out, take walks, I'm starting to mediitate too but this just won't go away.

I think it's funny how smart the mind really is, and I've been researching this and people generally say your mind will return to normal once your ready, so right now I'm just trying to figure out the cause and work from there.

I am just starting my journey on pharmacueticals..... and i would advise to stay away from the antideppressants as well.... I just started mine a few weeks ago, but the longer i'm on them, the more it seems that smoking weed and staying busy were my best meds.....

I dont know all of your situation, but finding a MEANINGFUL hobby can help out alot..... for me, thats gardening.... I get exercise, have something to keep my mind on, and i get a great feeling of SELF satisfaction from it.

I'm no doctor, but I do understand your problems, so feel free to hit me up if you need to talk to someone that understands a bit more than the "normal" person:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had derealization before? It's pretty much when you feel constantly high, except is one of the worst, most dissociative highs in the world. You literally constantly feel detached from reality, and you are pretty much emotionaly numb. To me it's the closest thing to being dead without actually dying, especially when it's accompanied by depression.

Has anyone else ever had this? I'm having a hard time getting through it, and I've had it for about 4 months now. Any success stories are more than welcome....
might be another word for this, burnout.

i know if i smoke all day for weeks without letting myself come down i'll feel like i have no value in the world. no awareness of my environment and no presence in life.

take a smoke break.

don't smoke during the day, do something productive.

these are just suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, it truely is helpful because I've never met anyone in person who understands this condition. I think your right about the hobby, I haven't really had one to distract my mind from this. I might actually start up drumming again because it was a great stress reliever when I did play.

Yeah I'm not a fan of any type of SSRI because afterwards there's a good chance that your seratonin will be affected. I'm only a teen so I don't want to mess with my brain chemistry too much.

My doc recommended benzo's, but I know I would become dependant on them. Best for me to stop them before I even begin haha.


Well-Known Member
@ just another - yeah I've taken week breaks from the herb with no avail at all, I'm almost positive it's non weed related


Thanks bro, it truely is helpful because I've never met anyone in person who understands this condition. I think your right about the hobby, I haven't really had one to distract my mind from this. I might actually start up drumming again because it was a great stress reliever when I did play.

Yeah I'm not a fan of any type of SSRI because afterwards there's a good chance that your seratonin will be affected. I'm only a teen so I don't want to mess with my brain chemistry too much.

My doc recommended benzo's, but I know I would become dependant on them. Best for me to stop them before I even begin haha.

we're in the same boat bro..... i'm only 24, and just starting all of this "medication" bullshit..... I'm still figuring it all out too.... but i do have my theories.... we should talk more often


Active Member
I pretty much feel exactly the same way. Always completely zoned out and pretty much void of all emotions.
Depression was never a part of it in the beginning but it definitely is now, nothing I cant manage for now


Well-Known Member
Yeah same here pakololi, and it creeps up on you so slowly that you don't realize how bad it is until you take a step back and look at the situation.

I hate to say it, but I honestly think that Adderall is actually helping it. It is known to help depression, and I'm thinking that that was the cause of my problem, and now that I'm eliminating it the derealization might leave with it too.


Active Member
I used to take concerta in highschool and it really helped me straighten my act out. I found that I was more focused and even more outgoing so I've been
thinking about trying to get back on it. the downside was that I would occasionally get some harsh headaches


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like somebody has a touch of schizophrenia.. with the whole "detached from reality" thing you have going on there...


Well-Known Member
where do you get your feeling of importance from? if you can't answer that question then thats where you should start.

too much of anything is not good for you. except maybe love but im sure theres downsides to that as well like the emotional intensity of loves opposite


Well-Known Member
and i was on meds for bipolar for years.. and my personal opinion is that meds don't always help.. sometimes they make things worse.. I used to get so pissed when it was time for my meds.. and hours leading up to it.. so when I hear all the talk about meds and shit, the first thing that comes to mind is shut tha fuck up followed by bullshit... followed directly by shut tha fuck up.... no offense to anybody... but I don't believe in medicine...

One tiny pill mixed with a combination of other tiny pills and larger pills isn't going to solve your problem... These differences have been around since the begging of man kind.. aslong as there's been two people there's always been two different chemical imbalances.. and you learn to deal with it.. you grow up, put your big boy underwear on and get over it... If you feel like you're detached it's because thats how you choose to feel... if you feel depressed.. it's because you choose to let it get you down...

Sometimes you just have to man up and say "though I feel this way, I wont allow myself to continue feeling this way"...

Do you think Napoleon felt like getting up and conquering kingdoms everyday? Do you think Alexander the great always felt great? Or was always feeling attached to those around him, or his emotions?Probably not.. but the difference between them and you, is they wouldn't allow it to keep them down...

Every person in this world has some level of "mental health problems" but yet a greater percentage gets over it and lives a normal life... not because there's ins't as severe as others.. but because they don't let it bring them down...

There's some exceptions... you know.. people that are skitzo and can't tell reality from fiction... who hear voices besides the one we all hear (whic I am starting to wonder is the same voice they just aren't ontop of their shit enough to realize the voice in your head telling you to kill 35 people for the Lord is actually their own) and the mentally retarded.. but the rest are literally all just in your head.. if you can change your line of thinking, you can over come your disability

And before you all start crawling my ass, remember.. I am diagnosed bipolar with severe depression... and they tried to diagnose me with some kinda (I know this is wrong but) inner (this is the part I know is wrong but it's how the word sounded to me) Mitten explosive disorder... and for years I thought.. that I would be this way forever.. so I tried to learn how to cope with it and ended up just waiting to die...

but then one day.. I was at the lowest I had ever been... I lost all my friends.. even the one I made the post about wasn't talking to me... I was walkin around with a cloud of my own funk engulfing me and keeping everyone at a distance... I didn't wanna be bothered and I sure as fuck didn't wanna be your friend... and I woke up one morning... and thought.. ya know... why am I allowing myself to feel this way? Why am I allowing myself to smell this way.. why am I allowing myself to be this way? This is YOUR life.. nobody else's... god gave it to you.. but it's not even his life to live... I've been places most people will never go.. I've seen things both bad and good, that most people will never see... I've set out and accomplished things that I always dreamed about... Yeah.. sometimes life has gotten the better of me... and i've lost everything I owned.. literally except the clothes on my back, the truck that I was driving and the computer I'm typing on... in reality.. I have lost things that some people may never have the chance to own, much less lose.. and I've been in situations that, I probably shouldn't have walked out of.. oblivious to the real dangers.. that more aware and better prepared people haven't... and like Frank, I did it my way... on my dollar.. with my resolve and my determination... and thats when I decided I wouldn't allow myself to be down about anything again..

I still get depressed.. but I turn on some music, turn it "up to 11" and remind myself of the good times, the bad times.. and the fact that i'm still here.. whole... and some people weren't so lucky... Some people, like my boy Chris... got to live through it... but didn't come out as whole as they went into it... I'm not the same person i used to be, like him.. but fortunately for me.. I came out a better person...

So who am I to sit around and fuckin cry because i'm alone? Hell.. some people have someone and can't hold them.. or like my brother.. had it.. and lost all of it quicker than he had it.. but he's happy.. he's got major brain damage and was in a coma for three months.. but he's happy... and it took that big of a change in his life, for him to get that way.. so who am I to sit around and waste the oppurtunity afforded to me, to enjoy this life while I can.. and while I can know better..

I know some of this got off topic alittle.. and i'm sorry for the long ass rant, spelling and grammatical errors.. i'm sorry if I offended anybody in the process.. but take it from someone who knows from first hand experiance... the only thing in this world that can make you a better person and change who you are.. is you.. you or one bad decisions and 15 seconds... sometimes it doesn't even take that much.. so be glad you have that opportunity to change.. and do it while you can... because if you don't.. god.. fate.. karma... whatever you wanna call it.. may make that change for you