Demand an Amendment to the United States Constitution to End Prohibition of Marijuana


Active Member
We the People of the United States of America
Demand an Amendment to the United States Constitution to End Prohibition of Marijuana, Marihuana, Hemp and Cannabis because we have a Right to Equal Protection Under the Law to NOT be prosecuted and punished for for growing, harvesting, farming, using, smoking, selling, manufacturing, brewing and bottling substances and products which are equally as dangerous or LESS dangerous than other legal products and substances such as alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, as used and sold to adults age 21 and over. The government has entrapped Americans by concealing criminal penalties under Title 21 USC rather than listing them under Title 18 Crimes. Also, the government spells marijuana and marihuana two ways in the law to conceal penalties.
you will have to copy and past this link!/petitions/all/0/2/0/
There are only 438 names on this one please sign.
ALL should visit this site once a week for medical cannabis
and other cannabis and hemp petitions.
Thank You Russ
ps: I found a total of 13 for cannabis or hemp

pz pass the word


Well-Known Member

Much as I believe that pot should be legal, I also believe that the Constitution does not provide for it to be ILLEGAL. I do not agree that we should amend the document for trivial matters such as this, or flag burning or same sex marriage.


Well-Known Member
You don't even need that. We had to have a constitutional amendment in order to make alcohol illegal - that was the proper way to do it. I see no such amendment that makes any chemical or plant illegal. Furthermore, Congress has relinquished it's power when it passed the CSA giving extraordinary power ot the DEA to make things illegal - even if it is temporary. I want hearings, adversarial deliberative hearings before things are made illegal in this country - that is the way it has always worked. Now only the smallest influence can have something made illegal. It can inhibit research, it can arbitrarily cause the incarceration of normaly innocent citizens all on a whim or an idological quirk of a single person. And then there is the weeping mom syndrome "if it saves just one parent from having to go through the grief I have had to....". Never mind that your son Johny was an idiot who soaked two kilos of poppy seeds in water and drank the whole thing. Never mind that your boy billy ignored every precausion and put a half a gram of some powder up his nose that he got on the internet that clearly stated it was not for human consumption.


New Member
If you just cross out a few words and sentences on the books then mj is legal, no need to change the constitution. Ron Paul has written 1 paragraph bills that legalize marijuana and hemp. Its not that hard, its not THAT complicated of a problem as they make it out to be. Its really very fucking simple.

Brick Top

New Member
The odds of having marijuana made legal by an act of congress that is signed into law by a president are very slim, but they are nonexistent in the case of attempting to get an amendment to the Constitution. Getting an amendment to the Constitution is an extremely difficult thing to obtain.


Taking the congress and president route would be easier and quicker.


New Member
Thats true, but the president can essentially end marijuana prohibition in several different ways...Sure he couldn't officically legalize it himself but he can put a stop to enforcement.


Well-Known Member
Thats true, but the president can essentially end marijuana prohibition in several different ways...Sure he couldn't officically legalize it himself but he can put a stop to enforcement.

and be crucified for being "soft on crime".

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why some people are under the impression that the federal government cares what you think.

Unless you've hired a lobbyist who is donating to their campaigns, your opinion doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
re-legalization will happen through voter initiatives.

sorry, guys. we are just too easy of a political target.