Defoliation during flowering


Active Member

Grow area inches 50L 25W 82H.
Maximum growth area height inches 60
8 2ft LED strips 3500k 3000k
Ink bird temperature.
Ink bird humidity.
6" exhaust fan
Auto pots.
Tower fan.

In the next couple of days I will be switching to flowering stage.
Defoliation during flowering.
Defoliation, because I have limited growth area height I would like to keep plants approximately about 20 inches high, but this is where I get confused some people start defoliation 3 weeks into flowering but I don't know on how high my plans will be at that stage, because is what I'm trying to do is to stunt the growth height at 20 inches so can I let them Grow to that height or do I start defoliation 3 weeks regardless of height.
I'm also scrubbing, I know a lot of people say it's according to what strain you are growing but can you do this with all strains.



Well-Known Member
We dont defoliate planrs for height reasons, to adjust height we use training and topping methods.

I know other growers like to mess around but week three is forming buds and the last thing i want to do is screw with mother nature on this one, besides if i havent got the plants i want by week three then ive made mistakes defoliating wont change.

It seems more want to pull leaves off than keep them on.... no idea why :-)

T macc

Well-Known Member
You can defoliate the first day of flower or the day before. This will slow down the stretch some. And I do like to defoliate and prune at week 3 to allow lower buds a chance to get fatter. Some say this lowers yield, some say it the same. Experiment.

You can also supercrop too-tall branches during stretch. I prefer not to go this route, but it works. Best thing is to get your canopy right during veg


Well-Known Member
if you are looking for height control topping and LST are your friend.

i usually defoliate when the plants are near the end of the stretch.
you will notice the stretching start to slow down. this is when you can tell what small branches are not going to get enough light to make anything of use.
i take them off as it will cause the parts further up the branch and in good lighting to form nice buds.
I will almost remove some fan leaves from up top to get more light penetration deeper into the plant.
this will give you dense buds further down the stem.


Well-Known Member
I do it for airflow and light penetration, it does seem to help. I try to clip the biggest leaves near the top and the shaded leaves at the bottom. In the middle I clean up stacked leaves.

When the plant needs it, you will develop an eye for it.

Edit: I don't trim bud sites.


Well-Known Member
Boy did I ever screw some shit up with defoliating... I’m not going say it doesn’t work, but you better know what your doing..

I had a peyote critical going pretty good had no intention on defoliating because I had taken all the fan leaves I wanted too while mainlining.. it’s the biggest plant to the right. The plant was doing fine then started yellowing hard.. was a darn n def...anyway I decided to clip some of the leaves like a damn fool.. mind you while after the stretch. It was budding nicely then all of sudden stop budding after I clip those leaves:wall:... I’m about to throw it away... after I clipped those bottom fan leaves... it shut down... its growing so damn slow...I flipped those 2 big things plants at the same time. The Acapulco Gold is booming..I may throw it outside...CA35E397-7077-4443-B708-A002BCF96163.jpeg


Well-Known Member
If you correct the watering and feed that plant might start growing nicely again. I've had plants get slowed down, but once I fixed the conditions, they finished flowering perfectly, just took way longer.


Well-Known Member
You could add one part sand to assist the perlite in providing a skeleton and then water slightly less frequently.
Ok cool man ... never thought of that... I’m in 3 gallons mainly.. I placed the bigger plant into the 5 gal because I thought it out grew the 3 gal..


Well-Known Member
If you correct the watering and feed that plant might start growing nicely again. I've had plants get slowed down, but once I fixed the conditions, they finished flowering perfectly, just took way longer.[/QUOTWhen lights come on I will update it


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of heavy defoliation btw. Doing some selective pruning and removing a few leaves that block areas is great. I even will remove a few of the lowest bud sites to encourage upward growth. I've never seen great results from heavy leaf removal.

The different side by side tests I've done with identical clones in the same environment have never shown significant benefit to "defoliation".