Decriminilization rally


Active Member
I was wondering how most of the population of america feels about marijuana being legal or decriminized. I think we can do it if we all rally to one spot and when i say we i mean we nead to be millions strong not just for people with scrips but anyone who dose it as a commodity.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in the states but many people in many countries have had the same thought ... If you could pull it off, it certainly wouldn't hurt (although doing it while Bush is in power is definitely a waste of time) even if the final goal wasn't reached. The public needs to be educated about cannabis; many people still believe a good number of the myths, so, like I said, it couldn't hurt - especially if public education was involved. Pulling it off, however, is another thing. I can't even get people to write (or even copy) a letter to our government. I can't imagine trying to get millions together. It's great to see that someone is thinking about it though ... if only enough would join in ... if only.


Active Member
If any one reads this and agrees with it please reply in some way. we need to know what number of people we are working with. Post to others about this and lets let the numbers grow. And who cares if you dont live in the States we can all change things from a distance. We need you to help us help u to a better World, Starting with this.


Well-Known Member
We might be able to do it if we educated the public and mass advertised a gathering of pot heads years in advance. :)


Active Member
One significant aspect of US laws, and especially cannabis laws, is states rights. Even if something like HR 5843 (info here, please contact your representatives) passes, it will only move the issue to the individual states.

The issue is somewhat complicated: Places like California and Alaska who have lenient policies use states rights to support cannabis use, but have to worry about the potential to be overridden by federal laws. On the other end of the spectrum, places like Alabama will use states rights prevent cannabis use (AL has 3 or so years minimum mandatory sentencing for possession and an overloaded prison system and a deficit budget as a result) even if it becomes federally legal.

I'll avoid going into a long rant -- My point, however, is that there is a lot *to* be done, and a lot that *can* be done, both locally and on the national level. Anything that contributes to awareness of the realities of cannabis use, especially the medical benefits, is great.

For US citizens, follow NORML's news postings about legislative actions in your state and national bills such as HR5842 and HR5843. Contact your representatives and let them know you vote based on this issue, if you can risk it. It does help and that, when it comes down to it, is how legislative changes happen.


Active Member
But what if we got enough perople to come to lets say the White House lawn and refuse to move intill our demands our met and we would only have one. Legilize marijuana


Active Member
and when they talk about it being tied up with illigal mexicans, they arnt doing anything now. Anything under 500lbs they just confencate. We wont need it from them because we could grow it.