Deciding How to Grow (Limited Options)


New Member
So first off I would like to say that I havent grown ever before but I have read up on how to grow over the last couple weeks, so I understand the majority of what goes on.

Im limited to where to grown, as I dont have much options due to parents and such (Cannot have strong weed smell in my room). Im wondering where would be the easiest place to grow? What to grow out of? whats the easiest place to grow a small amount (but not to small)? Micro Growing? If I should attempt to make some sort of hidden place in my closet to grow? Is outside an option (woods/forest kind of area)?

Also I would like to add that I understand that there are some materials that are a given that I need, but if there are any certain items I would need for a first time grow to make it smooth and successful.

I know alot of people ask these kinds of questions daily, but any top brands of soil? Lights? Seeds? Anything else that would help would be greatly appreciated.

If needed I can get messurements of Closet / Spare Computer case that I have / other variables. Thanks :weed:


If you don't have permission you shouldn't grow in the house. I don't know what kind of security you have outside, but for the grow info spend some time reading the stickys.


Well-Known Member
Dude grow in your house. If you live there it's yours to. Don't fuck with anything with miracle grow on it and try to use your closet. In 3 months they may stink so just make a carbon filter or buy one. Get fox farm ocean forest.


New Member
Thanks for the replys, Building a carbon filter looks easy enough, but theres no ventilation or anything in my closet, just walls. So there would be nothing to hook up the filter to. Im planning on doing only around 4-6 plants possibly, anything above that and it will be pretty blatant that im growing. Any suggestions on what box/container to use to keep the plants in? Im also going to need to get power or something inside of the closet for the lights, if i plan on doing it on the upper shelf which is not really visible and noticeable if you just open the door. Seems kind of hard, but I could give it a try. Also I was wondering about micro growing and if anyone has experience with it, i have a spare case that i wouldnt mind using.... maybe i could put it up in my closet and have it faced away so that it looks like its not in use and the grow out of it. But the case is only 16" and from the shelf in my closet up its 30". Im not sure about how high it should grow or how much space you need so I need some help.


Well-Known Member
computer cases can work (i grow in one - maximum two plants), but you'll be growing heavily LSTed bonsai plants with small yield and will have heat issues and it wont "look like its not being used" as you'll have fans sucking air in and blowing air out - so it's not completely stealthy with that in mind. my case sits right next to my entertainment center in the living room, my guests (mother in law, mother, friends and family) and even my wife, have never have asked any questions as I've always had a computer by the tv. with a carbon filter you dont need to worry about exhausting to the exterior...thats the whole scrubs the air clean and returns it to the room/closet not smelling like the plant.

also, i disagree with mysticclown: just cause you occupy a room in their house doesn't mean it's yours. the house is still your parents house, have some respect for that. if you get busted, remember that most jurisdictions may try and take the house from your parents - chaulk that up to our hyper paranoid, and totally hypocritical society.

campwoof has a point, but for some things I believe that begging for forgiveness is usually more effective than asking for permission, again, for some things.

so bottom line is: is it worth the risk?


New Member
Well I like what you said about how you grow out of a computer case that is beside your tv and no one notices or bothers with it. Thats pretty much where my computer case is, but its beside my desk with stuff ontop of it but its still accessable. Would you consider it capable of growing there without being found? Seeing my parents go to work during the weekdays, i can tend to the plant during the days and when the go to sleep i can tend to them again. What im wondering is if a 16" tall case is able to grow two plants in and whats the next step (other then taking out the parts). Do i have to line it with tinfoil or how did you do yours? Theres also a powerbar beside the case which I can plug lights/fans into, so it looks good i just need some more input help. Thanks


New Member
Also I am willing to take the risk, if my parents ever found out it wouldnt be the end of the world. I would probably end up finishing the harvest anyways, but I would like to keep it "stealth" just because I respect my parents house and it would just be better if they didnt know (I could continue to grow :weed:). Again thanks for the help and ideas, I just want to know more about Micro Growing and what else i can do to make the harvest better. If you know a guide or anything post it.


Well-Known Member
Dude grow in your house. If you live there it's yours to. Don't fuck with anything with miracle grow on it and try to use your closet. In 3 months they may stink so just make a carbon filter or buy one. Get fox farm ocean forest.
If he lives with his parents and they own the house; how would it be his too?
This is terrible advice. Respect your parents and don't grow in their house without their permission.
Don't listen to Mysticlown150. He's a weed thief.


Well-Known Member
not to be a total downer but 16 inches in height is prolly really pushing it. i have about 18.5 inches and i wish i had another 3-4 inches. remember the pot (even a small pot) takes at least 3-4 inches in height and the lights at the top if laid horizontally will consume another 2-3 inches, so your looking at plant growth space of about maybe 11 inches prolly closer to 9 inches. thats one small plant. but it does work. my first grow had two plants that i LST the shit out of, they reached 9.5 inches in height, and I got maybe a quarter ounce from each - again maybe. but it was really good smoke.

do a search for micro grows and PC case grows and you'll see tons of threads with pics that will give you great ideas on how to do it. its a fun project...and i still tweak my pc case from time to fact i went with quiet fans that move less air and have decided to replace those with regular PC fans due to heat issues i have in my for me it's a never ending project...

peace and good luck - remember, make SMART decisions and totally COVER YOUR ASS!!! You DO NOT want to get caught doing this...depending on how cool or uncool your parents are, do you really want to look your mother in the face after she finds your stash?


Well-Known Member
If he lives with his parents and they own the house; how would it be his too?
This is terrible advice. Respect your parents and don't grow in their house without their permission.
Don't listen to Mysticlown150. He's a weed thief.

im in total agreement.. i see at least one or two threads everyday about some kid living at home that thinks they should grow weed.. they dont have the maturity to sit down and try to talk to their parents about it, but they sure are mature enough to take the risk of growing it.. with little disregard or respect to their parents they go forward saying "if they find it i'll deal with it then"... not knowing or caring about the fact that if someone else found it, for whatever reason, it would be their parents who feel the ramifications, not the kid... then we have people like mysticlown saying "fuck it go ahead" and just adding to the problem.. look.. when i was 16/17 living at home with the parents i wanted nothing more to grow my own.. but i had the balls enough to approach my parents at the time, who shot me down... so i waited... and waited.. and waited.. until i had my own place... where the only one that was taking the risk was me... the only one that would get in trouble was me.. not my parents, not a roommate, not anyone but myself... we are fighting to legalize it across the board.. and instances like this just add to the problem.. its another reason to say "no, it shouldnt be legal"... it just adds to the "kids will do it" arguement they use so well.. if you arent old enough, mature enough, responsible enough, or have the balls enough to confront you parents about what you want to do then DO NOT DO IT.... if you have to sneak around behind their backs, hide all your stuff so they dont find out, and are willing to risk their freedom so you can have a little plant for yourself then DO NOT DO IT... granted the chances of you getting busted and them getting in trouble is slim to non, it still isnt worth it... wait until you have your own place, when its all on you, whatever happens... until then go buy some pot down the street from pot from little johnny down the street and be happy you even have that to smoke...


New Member
Well I guess I could ask first, and if i get turned down I could always go to the woods... I also guess if i did ask and it was perfectly cool with the parents I could grow in my closet instead so I wouldnt have to use the small computer case (more room = more weed). But the problem with growing in the woods is that theres really no hidden open places that sunlight will get to and that people arent walking by daily. Theres also a ton of other problems I can see by growing in the woods. But who knows, it could be better then growing in my computer case. I was thinking about how to grow to, I couldnt just make a box and put a lock on it, cause some how it would have to have power going into it for lighting and ventilation. Growing it out in the open is kind of hard because if anyone were to walk by and realize that it was weed, there goes all the plants... Ill get back to the thread once I ask my parents, if i even do. If not, ill probably look around for some outdoor growing guides.