Decarboxylation Chart for Cannabutter?

I found this decarboxylation chart on a forum. I tried to do a temp at about 270 for 6 minutes. My thermometer only goes up to 230 so i had it around 250-300. I also used 3.5 grams of browns from my vaporizer in about 8 tablespoons of thick creamy butter. What I got was a thick brown butter that got really thick once it was cooling. I dont know if I mastered the decarboxylation chart or whether this stuff will be shitty. Has anyone ever tried this? Has it worked out? Id imagine that where I'd be on the chart, it would have doubled-tripled the potency. The strained stuff was also black and crumbly. Any predictions? And I also put the last batch of butter I made that I know works ok. The one I know worked is the one in the mixing bowl.



Active Member
Your budder is probably not be good because you vaporized all the thc, etc. away. It was, at least partially decarbed while in the vaporizer. Why are you decarbing? Are you going to eat the oil, or rub it on your skin? For future reference to decarb, use the next curve on your chart, 252F for 27 min. IMHO, if there is anything left in the flower, then you are vaporizing at a high enough temperature (I think alot of people don't).

FYI: If you know where a picture, graph, etc., tell us where it came from (normally you don't want to "link" it).
Yeah. I knew there was a chance at vaporizing it, but I put the butter in a batch of space cake and just tried one to start off my morning. I vaporize at 385-400 F. It works great but theres always a bit left in. My friends smoke some of my browns when they get desperate. They get mega seat locked. I can revape and get a nice sleeper buzz. I used to make firecrackers that were wicked. And the decarb chart was floating around the internet and I saw it one day so I searched google and refound it. Will never know where I originally saw it. Ill let ya know how it turns out in about an hour or so!


Active Member
There at least five cannabinoid and terpenes that come off above 400F, here is one of them: cannabichromene (CBC) Boiling point: 220*C / 428 degree Fahrenheit Properties: Antibiotic, Antifungal, Antinflammatory. Unless you have a way to measure the temperature of your vaporizer, you really don't know the actual temp.

The chart was from Jump117 in Moscow.
I think it worked to some extent. I tried two 1/16 slices of that space cake about an hour and a half ago and I'm definitely buzzing. I think next time I will try 240 at around 30 minutes and that should be perfect. Turns out the browns still work great. Ik firecrackers would rip, but so does the white space cake. Brownies next? I make brownies with fresh bud pretty often