Dead leaves


Well-Known Member
Burned tips look to be overfertilazation or maybe a build up in the soil. May be able to flush good with ph'ed plain water.



Well-Known Member
I stopped furts at least a week ago. Now just using molasses and water. Should I stop using mollasses or does it not matter. Should I see crystals? Do all plants crystalize?


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, the drooping could also be a result of over watering. Check your soil moisture and let'em dry out. Less is more.



Well-Known Member
Don't stop watering, just water when the plant needs it. As for the rest of your ? need more info and even then it would be hard to give you the perfect answer.



Well-Known Member
It started flowering about 8 weeks ago. I started nutes and mollses around 3 weeks ago and stoped the nutes because of the leaves. I thik I over fed her. The nutes should still be in the roots. Right? Anyway this plant has been on my balcony for around 5 months, growing for probably 6 or 7


Well-Known Member
All I can tell you is to flush it with plenty of ph'ed water, then let her dry out. You have to get the nutes out by flushing or you will not like the taste that will follow. For your next go round, keep in mind...LESS IS MORE. Trust me on this one.



Well-Known Member
I flushed it with atleast 5 gallons of water 2 days ago. Should I do it again? or wait until she needs water


Well-Known Member
If you had a TDS meter you could check the run off. I was hoping someone else would chime in with ideas for you. It looks like you're on the right track. Let her recover a little from the flush then flush again. I'd keep this up til the end.
