day48 flower: ready to flush?


Here's pics from last night, day47 of flower. Trichs are mostly cloudy from what i can see with my telescope attachment. The buds all look like sugar at the bottom of a cereal bowl. Hairs are half orange and half white. Should i begin a two week flush of ph corrected water now? That would take the plants to 62 days.

or should i do another week of nutes?

i know these pics suck.. its from my camera phone.


bump: really thinking about nuting another week with maybe half strength and then going to 6.0ph water?

or.. just full strength nutes for another week then straight to 6.0ph water.


Active Member
i would say its up to you. you can start flushing now and have a harvest faster with possibly a more sativa high cuz of cloudy trichomes, or you can continue flowering it and hold off the flushing and get a bigger harvest with possibly a more indica high