Day 6 of flowering, still no signs of sex


Well-Known Member
No Idea, just some random bag seed saved from good smoke throughout the years. I have my hands on some LR White Russians for my next crop but I have a couple months into these so I figure I will wait it out and see what they turn up as. Running 4 42w 2700k and 9 26w mixed 2700 and 6500. I have issues with temps but they seem to be doing well.


Well-Known Member
sounds cool u got a tread on that?

i wantend to get ahold of auto whiterussian but sold out,thats ok im goin to make my own auto hybrid that will be drippin with thc


Well-Known Member
Yep vegged for a couple months. Started em on my deck outside then moved em in at 7 weeks and started flowering at week 9, here we are at week 10 .............Please be a female. Please be a female.


Well-Known Member
hate to say it, but I have a feeling its a male = X.

Still to early to tell though, its just a gut feeling. I really hope im wrong though = (

Just be patient mate <3


Well-Known Member
What led you to the conclusion that its a male outside of a guess? Just being a buzzkill?
no, of im not trying to be a buzzkill, just being honest. I thinks its a male because of the structure of it, and how that new growth is coming out of the top.

Like I said though it is to early to tell, so I could deffently be wrong, and I hope I am.

I honestly really hope its a female though <3


Well-Known Member
Sure, have a change of heart now after you jinxed the grow room. I'm likely to never have a female with that attitude. LOL



Well-Known Member
just remember that males will show the quickest(4-9days) while females take a little longer to try to get your head up and think positive


Well-Known Member
Thank you she...looks better today too. Tonight is a watering night so We will see how she looks tomorrow


Well-Known Member
yeah it can take some time to show. out of my 3 plants 2 male 1 female the 2 males showed on day6. the female didnt show till day 10


Well-Known Member
shit my fem (outta3) showed in 4 days. males showed a few days later. Just be patient and update the thread... all plants are different.


Active Member
I have heard when the stems grow out on the plant at the same place its a male. I have one like this so I will see. I had two seeds one grew branches evenly and one grew branches with space in between. My clones from the club grow branches like the second.

\|/ = male

.|/ = female
This is somthing a friend told me will see soon enough after I flip to 12\12.
I plan on doing this tomorrow. Will let you know my results.


Well-Known Member
Clones will always grow with staggered nodes. From seed all plants both male and female grow with the brances directly across from them.

Most plants SHOULD show sex by the time it's 8 weeks old, but it does look alot like a male's growth pattren at that age. Just be patient though as these plants tend to mess with us.:joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
No one of my plants from seed does and one does not and grows staggered nodes like the clones. I will post more on this soon I have my lights starting the 12/12 this morning. I am new to growing so even if it happens the way I believe it may not be necessarilly true considering I have only two plants from seed.