day 53 flower problems !!! help


Active Member
hey guys so 1 of my plants had a big nute burn problem and i need your advice when to harverst her if she need 1 more week or so or if i w8 more it will dye. i flushed her 2 times in 9 days the small leaves from the buds start to get a bit crispy they are starting to die. the second plant is doing gr8 when do you think i need to harvers her also she got flushed 2 times. no microscop to see the tricomes.


Well-Known Member
I've heard adding sugar to the water at 1tbsp per gallon can help with flushing out excess nutes.


Well-Known Member
Dosnt look like it was nute burn to me. More like nute lockout. If you flushed it twice you should of fixed that so give it 1/2 nutes and ph the water to 5.5. Then water like normal. Feed every 3 waterings. Buds look airy and pistals arnt pulling back so I would say 2 weeks or more.