Day 44 of Flowering - 138w CFL


Active Member
How do my plants stack up? This is my first real grow...where I've actually cared a little about the outcome more than just giving them water. I believe I stretched the plants a little too much during the veg state but after I topped them, the other stems flowered like was awesome! The smell is fantastic too....patience is hard when something smells so beautiful. Would love to hear some comments/criticism/compliments! :D


Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
They look like crap. You should send them to me :)
Seriously they look very good. More light during flower using CFL never hurts. Topping is just the beginning. There are other methods of training you might want to read up on...LST is easy. There are others, but I'm retired and find them to be too much like work LOL.
Good luck and have fun!


Well-Known Member
they look great man, the only critique i have is you dont have nough light so your yeild will not be as good as it could potentially be.

if you plan on growing again look into a small 150w HPS they are pretty cheap and will give you like double the light for about the same amount of electricity.

when you harvest that plant you should reveg it, chop everything off of it except a few small branches on the bottom and flip the lights back to 18/6. you will have to repot it and trim down some of the roots but it will give you a nice bushy plant with lots and lots of tops.


Active Member
Thanks guys! I wouldn't mind getting a better light setup. I never thought they would get this awesome or be this easy to grow. I picked out some seeds from various gathered ones....I know there were some Sour Diesel and Kush in there somewhere, not sure what I picked out though. I grabbed only dark seeds, as I heard they were more likely to be female. I just vegged them in sunlight by my front window for the first month or two of their lives, then when they just wouldn't stop growing and were too big for the living room, I threw together this setup. I plan on building a stealth grow box for the next go-around. Thanks for the link to the re-vegging, I didn't even know that was possible. Will definitely be giving that a shot.

This place is just awesome, so many questions have been answered before I even got the chance to ask! :D I've learned stuff I didn't even know I wanted to learn!


Active Member
So my buds aren't really getting any bigger in the last 4 days...just more filled out and a little bit more dense. I'm thinking it's probably lack of phosphorus, from my research, would you guys agree with that?


Active Member
Dude, that was cool. I like your zoom effect.
Thanks man! :D

There some beautiful buds! Keep it up man :) What nutes you using for those girls? :leaf:
Thanks bud! I used Miraclegro all purpose plant food for the veg (24-8-16) and then I think CIL rose fertilizer (6-12-6) for the flower. I bought stuff you have to mix into the I just used it anyway. The instructions stated to mix it in the top 2 inches of already established rose bushes, so that's what I did for these. Been watering about once a week, waiting until the soil dries out completely, then giving them a nice drink of good ol tap water. I've got 2 of these "big" plants, and 2 smaller ones, all of them have their own unique smell and are all different strains, so it will be a nice mix when done!


Well-Known Member
Ah thats sweet man!! Im currently using MG all purpose soil with OldTimer nutes... So many people hate MG but i have to say... i love it.. My plants growth rate was amazing to see ha.

Keep it up man god damn i hope mine turn out like that :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks guys! I know the buds will be bigger on my next go-around, I've learned a lot this time...and I'm glad to say I'll have something to show for it in the end too! For a little while...anyway. :D


Well-Known Member
All I can do, is hope my green little girl turns out as well as yours! Now you have some info,experience that you can pass on to newbies! ;)Plants look great!