Dave's First LED Grow Using Area 51


Well-Known Member
Looking good, dave. What's the distance from your LED to the base of the plant? Which cal-mag product did you get? Why is cal-mag used as a supplement, doesn't Advanced Nutrients add this in their Sensi prodcuts? Sorry if it's a newbie question.
Hey Edge, that's actually an excellent question. Advanced Nutrients claims that their base nutes don't need any extra Cal/Mag, so I trusted their word for the last 3 years. But while I was growing this plant someone reading my journal spotted the problem and explained to me that certain strains of pot need a lot more Cal/Mag than the average pot plant does. Now that I started adding it, I haven't had any problems with leaf damage from Cal/Mag deficiency anymore and in fact, this plant looks much healthier than anything I've ever grown before.

I bought a bottle of Advanced Nutrients Cal/Mag "Bloom" about a year ago. That's what I'm using now, even though the plant's in veg.

The light panel is about 20" away from the top of my plant, like Area 51 recommends on their web site. During flower I believe I can have it as close as 18".


Well-Known Member
Alright dude we need some new pics ;-) and when are we flowering? I am so anxious to see that led flower.

sent from the moon!


Well-Known Member
Alright dude we need some new pics ;-) and when are we flowering? I am so anxious to see that led flower.

sent from the moon!
I play it by ear to decide when to start the flower cycle. When the plant is big enough is when I start. And she's taking her time getting taller. Either that or I'm impatient. I topped her once and the 2 new tops are just starting to poke out through the big fan leaves. I usually start LST from early on, but this beast is so short and wide that I don't think she'll bend very much. And the nodes are so close together that it'd be hard to tie a string around her. I hope that I can flip in about a week, though. She has to finish by end of February.


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate! Just ordered the new 2014 190w light from a51 looking forward to it arriving.
Look forward to watching this bad boy flower!
Good luck and subbed.


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate! Just ordered the new 2014 190w light from a51 looking forward to it arriving.
Look forward to watching this bad boy flower!
Good luck and subbed.
Cool! Welcome aboard. Those lights are selling like hotcakes. I'm sure you'll be very happy with yours.


Well-Known Member

The roots are already outgrowing my 5 gallon pot. They made their way through the river stones on the bottom of the bucket and are stretching into the res now:

Plant is still looking super healthy, but the nodes are really crowded together:

Here's where I FIMed the top of the plant. The 2 tops are still fighting to get out of the crowd of big leaves:

She's growing kinda slow, probably because the temp has been this low in my cabinet:

I opened the cabinet door and pointed a space heater towards it. Now the temp is up to 73. I'm thinking of putting a big 200 watt CFL in the cabinet just to warm it up.


Well-Known Member

The roots are already outgrowing my 5 gallon pot. They made their way through the river stones on the bottom of the bucket and are stretching into the res now:

Plant is still looking super healthy, but the nodes are really crowded together:

Here's where I FIMed the top of the plant. The 2 tops are still fighting to get out of the crowd of big leaves:

She's growing kinda slow, probably because the temp has been this low in my cabinet:

I opened the cabinet door and pointed a space heater towards it. Now the temp is up to 73. I'm thinking of putting a big 200 watt CFL in the cabinet just to warm it up.
what about a 70 or a 150 w hps


Well-Known Member

She is poised for a growth spurt

I have had similar experience with Indica/ hybrids, but often at a certain point all of a sudden boom, they take off


Well-Known Member
I cranked up the space heater in that room, so the cabinet temp is now 72 degrees. If I get a chance, I might install a few 23 watt CFLs to save electricity over using the space heater.


Well-Known Member

Decided to flip to the flower phase today.

I'll be busy having company over next weekend, so this is the only practical time I have. I also need to schedule enough time to finish before my vacation trip in early March. But I believe that this plant's growth is about to take off now.

Roots are looking really good:

Life finds a way:

One thing I wanted to do was raise up the bucket because it was sinking down into the res. So I taped a rubber tube around the bottom of the bucket like this:

That should keep it from falling back down in the res. Now I can get a full 4.5 gallons in there again.

Tops look like they're starting to burst out:



Well-Known Member
Flower? Already? You don't waste any time.
Looks lush enough to eat like some cabbage.
Little dressing on there..