Datura stramonium?


Well-Known Member
Does any one have tried Datura stramonium extract(powdered)?
What was the feeling? And do you guys recomend it to try?


i would imagine anyone whos tried it probably doesnt remember what its like and probably wouldn't recommend it.
Parts of the plant, especially the seeds and leaves, are sometimes used as a hallucinogen. Due to the elevated risk of overdose in uninformed users, many hospitalizations, and some deaths, are reported from this use.


Well-Known Member
I think that a seed or two might weigh 7mg. That isn't an active amount.


Well-Known Member
A few kids in my area used this stuff and ended up in hospital, 15 years old I think, so the news has been running absurd stories for the last couple weeks.

Anyway I am not interested in scopolamine.



Well-Known Member
WOW, now i know why others dont recomend this stuff. Trip was so long about 28-34h, I realy dont recomend it. My friend said that i was like playing basketball or smh. realy i dont remember what realy i was doing, but i remember so stupid things that i saw. Realy i have shame to tell all these things that i saw. Trip was horrible an i was so afraid.



I highly doubt you tried datura. If you did you need to get your brain checked cause your a fuckin dumbass. Everything I heard has been hospital or crazy horrible bad trip.


Well-Known Member
I've seen plenty people trip on datura. Rip out the neighbours' flower beds, but no going to hospital luckily.


On what grounds do you discount his story?
This isn't no shrooms. This shit is intense. The amount needed to trip is the same amount needed to be poisoned. Also from what I've heard the trips are all crazy bad. The reason I doubt him doing it is because he has a one paragraph trip report that barely says anything. If he did it I'd like to hear more about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we all had those trips where we think we have some kind of defect the rest of society deplores....


Well-Known Member
Most of this infected plant material that is parading the lawns of residences is known as a deliriant, which in all aspects if you look at the eternal meaning of a deliriant, it doesn't react very well with mankind! It doesn't project visuals but actual real induced hallucinations... that deactivates the brains reasoning to decipher whats real or not.


Active Member
Bump for interest, I've tried Datura Stramonium. Made tea from about 150-200 seeds, boiled till the water was light brown. Then ate the seeds. Effects: Absolutely nothing. It's hit or miss, I would like to hear more from OP.


Active Member
damn im glad i saw this thread hahaha, datura is bloomin all up the hills round here, was thinkin bout tryin some lol, FUCK THAT


I ate some Jimsom weed seeds back in the 80's. Me and a few friends each ate about 15 or 20 dry, late season seeds. No one freaked out, or went to the hospital from my party. Trip lasted 8 or so hours. Cotton mouth was extreme, with a very odd taste in your mouth. I remember carrying around a big gulp cup all night, constantly thirsty. Lots of strobe light kind of effects. No euphoria, no fun. Not a full on bad trip, just no fun at all. We had some other kids at school tell us about their trips, and dosage before we did ours. Lots of people who do this get the dosage wrong and have bad freak outs, get hospitalized, or in a few cases die.