Dankman's Mystery PC Grow


Sup R.I.U.!!

I'm a new member and have had a great experience with the ppl here so far. This summer, we grew a few bagseeds in my buddies back yard which was pretty successful, so this winter I thought I'd create my first journal of a mystery PC grow lol.. The seeds just arrived yesterday and the stealth was soo good, I didn't notice the labels on the packaging and my dumbass mixed them up by accident. I ordered Blueberry which is medium height mostly indica, figured it would be ok for a PC grow with some LST since I plan on using the SCRoG method along with topping. I also received some Sweet Skunk freebies which is a strait sativia that stretches like a mofo! So the one I just started germinating is either a Blueberry or Sweet Skunk. If it's Sweet Skunk, I'm screwed and this should be an interesting ride. Either way it should be fun, so lets do this!

I'm using FFOF with the FF line of soil nutes and distilled water supplemented with Botanicare Calmag Plus. The setup is pretty strait forward, 4 CFLs, 6500K for veg and 2700K for flower. I'll get some shots of the PC cab hopefully tomorrow, It's pretty big , full stack 16X27X7in W/H/D.. borrowing it from a friend.

Not much going on today, just dropped one in a glass of distilled water, hopefully she cracks tomorrow!



So she cracked after 16hrs in a moist paper towel proceeding soaking in a glass for 24hrs, I planted her in a solo cup two days ago and she started to sprout last night. The seed coat hasn't fallen off yet. Usually for me, it falls off before it reaches ground level.


Should I try to take it off with some tweezers, or should I leave it alone and let if fall off on it's own? All questions, comments, criticism are welcome, any help is much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
absolutely leave it on, 80% of mine are 3" high before they fall off - i've seen so many people rip leaves off when they try to yank the case off... it will fall off eventually- worse case pull it after a week or something when the plant is bigger... pretty ambitious to be scrogging/topping on your first real grow...... especially in a pc grow... how big it the box? good luck- sub'd


Thanks Dutch! Glad to see you here man. I've seen a few successful PC SCRoGs so I'm gonna give it a shot. Idk tho if it turns out being Sweet Skunk, I may have some issues with the size of the screen which is 15x7in, may have to cut veg time short if it fills up too quick. Anyway, I left it alone and she shed her coat last night, the last pic is of the cab my buddy is lending me, think he got it online or something.


BTW, I gave her a very diluted solution of Calmag last night, like 1/5 strength seeing as I'm using distilled water, not sure if it's good or bad for the plant at this stage, like I said it was a trace amount just to raise PPM, should I keep doing it or hold off until I get some more growth? Thanks!



Just a quick update, she had a little growth spurt last night :lol: She seems to be most active when lights are off on a 16/8 schedule.

The first set of leaves still seem a bit droopy, I probably made a newb mistake and over watered her but nothing to be concerned about I don't think?



Well-Known Member
Hi Dank ...

Yea am glad you left her to shed her seed shell, I done the ghastly deed if tryin to remove it and yes I rip of one and a half leaves of my train wreck plant- she is pulling through and if you want a look at how much it's stunted her growth check out my journal ....

Your seedlings looking ok just lay off the water for a couple days or until the top if the soil is dry, remember it's only small can't drink that much yet (Mind you I am only small and should see me on a night out ;))

Good luck



Thanks Stevieh, yeah I'm going to hold of on the watering for a few days.

My friend has a few NL #5 seeds he's throwing my way, so I'm thinking if this is a sweet skunk sativia, cull it or give it away to make room for some NL goodness :)

Really, really hope it turns out being a Blueberry indica. Any early distinguishing factors between sativas and indicas? I know the fan leaves are more robust with indica strains, is there anything else I should look for first that will tell me its Blueberry?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Stevieh, yeah I'm going to hold of on the watering for a few days.

My friend has a few NL #5 seeds he's throwing my way, so I'm thinking if this is a sweet skunk sativia, cull it or give it away to make room for some NL goodness :)

Really, really hope it turns out being a Blueberry indica. Any early distinguishing factors between sativas and indicas? I know the fan leaves are more robust with indica strains, is there anything else I should look for first that will tell me its Blueberry?
Sorry never grown those strains, sure someone will chip in .....
I wouldn't cull it give it to someone or grow it out in a small pot in your room so it's not taking up space....


Nosy landlord and batshit crazy neighbor, can't have a plant just chillin in our room, plus my gfs parents come by frequently.. Sucks having to be so stealth about it but we're moving in a few months so we will definitely be investing in a tent, silver lining lol. For now gotta make due with what we got ;)


Came home for lunch to check on the little girl, shes looking perky, defiantly an improvement from earlier. Looks like she's starting to grow her second set! Haven't watered in 2 days, good call.. probably give her a low dose of calmag tonight before lights out.





Well-Known Member
Came home for lunch to check on the little girl, shes looking perky, defiantly an improvement from earlier. Looks like she's starting to grow her second set! Haven't watered in 2 days, good call.. probably give her a low dose of calmag tonight before lights out.


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Hey Dankman,

Yip they are looking sweet mate, good pictures as well ...... :D

I never told you on my last Post what I learned from ripping the seed off...
I had two like that and the seeds weren't moving so thats when I ripped it off, well tryed to do it gently, like
King-kong dose to a tree.....

I read to help it you soak it, so I dipped my fingers in water and sat a drop on top of my other seedling with the seed attached, done this three times in 2 hours and it was off :)


Hey Dankman,

Yip they are looking sweet mate, good pictures as well ...... :D

I never told you on my last Post what I learned from ripping the seed off...
I had two like that and the seeds weren't moving so thats when I ripped it off, well tryed to do it gently, like
King-kong dose to a tree.....

I read to help it you soak it, so I dipped my fingers in water and sat a drop on top of my other seedling with the seed attached, done this three times in 2 hours and it was off :)
Ha just be gnarly with it.. thanks for the tip man. Your Super Cheese is lookin good.. been following along in my free time.. any idea of what the yield will be like?

Fed her some Calmag earlier along with some Foxfarms microbe feeding shit lol.. I was thinking about getting some lady bugs as a preventative measure bc our apartment gets dusty as hell, its a bitch to clean with wooden floors and all.
I'll have an update later on tonight when lights come on.. gonna go burn one in the mean time :weed:



Well-Known Member
Ha just be gnarly with it.. thanks for the tip man. Your Super Cheese is lookin good.. been following along in my free time.. any idea of what the yield will be like?

Fed her some Calmag earlier along with some Foxfarms microbe feeding shit lol.. I was thinking about getting some lady bugs as a preventative measure bc our apartment gets dusty as hell, its a bitch to clean with wooden floors and all.
I'll have an update later on tonight when lights come on.. gonna go burn one in the mean time :weed:

Ladybugs :)
I've not read about them, I did read I someone using them (tried to find post) but can't remember whos when I see it I will link you, don't think they helped much ......
Been hearing a lot about this Calmag... Is it worth it I haven't used it, would it make my bigger leaves greener for longer or what it for ?

Cheers :)

Oh nearly forgot, Yield I am hopping for 3/4 of a oz but we shall see .... Thanks :eyesmoke:


Been hearing a lot about this Calmag... Is it worth it I haven't used it, would it make my bigger leaves greener for longer or what it for ?
I just use it with distilled water to raise PPM seeing as there's virtually no dissolved solids, PPM is 0.. Some say just use tap water but there's other stuff besides calcium, magnesium and iron in municipal water that are beneficial to humans but not plants necessarily, like fluoride for example.

3/4 oz not bad man.. I'm hoping for 2oz out of this one lol.. I kno, yeah right.. Got high hopes, pun intended ;)


Day 8 and shes still going strong :hump:


Not sure how long it's going to take until she start vegging, I have a few NL #5 seeds thinking about starting, gotta find a home for this one first. Anyone know what that bluish-brown color is coming from the new set of leaves... deficiency or stress?


What's going on guys, figured I'd pop in with an update... day 13 from seed, I transplanted her [hopefully] into a one gal container about 4 days ago, just around the same time she started vegging. Not exactly exploding with new nodes in there lol.. I think I stunted her with overwatering or something but idunno

My little midget

I can see the fan leaves are fat, and the short posture plus purple stem and veins (possibly pheno) tells me it's Blueberry :clap:

A little concerned about the slow growth, breeder's notes say:

Type/subspecies*: Mostly indica
Flowering period**: 8-9 weeks indoor
Potency: Very Strong
Growth Pattern: Medium height, one main bud with some low branching. Feed conservatively.
Breeders comment: Flavourful and colourful, classic favourite.
Challenging, not for beginners. Can be very sensitive to over-fertilization. Occasional mutations at seedling stage. This strain does not come with a guarantee for germination. They may need assistance cracking open.

So idk what the deal is, probably overfed her.. give it another couple of weeks and see what happens. I have some NL #5 beans thinking about starting if this doesn't work out.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!


Well-Known Member
It says occasional mutations a seed stage, could be that over watering or the power of the light you have on her .....

Dose look a bit stunted I would let the soil dry out then a small water and see how it's looking in a couple days but I am bye far a expert .... :)


Well-Known Member
definetly looking on the small side... but for your grow box it would be ideal if they stayed short and stacked tight as can be... all plants are different- but I have my extra plant in a solo cup, i just wanted to see first hand the size difference adequate space for roots makes.. mine is prolly about a month from seed and its monstorous for a solo cup. i'll go snap a photo and post it up for you for reference.... mine is about a monthish with heavy nutes under 600w.