"Danking" Weed


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone?
so i've been hearing about people getting their dried chron.
putting it in an air tight jar and spritz some water on the bud and place it in the jar and seal the jar.
bury the jar underground or in a dark room where no light will come in.
in a few days the bud will have white shit growing on it. this white shit is mold or fungus or some shit!?

my friends said they have smoked it and it gets them as they quote...
"really high"
"almost tripping, weird high"

i DO NOT want to try this and think its stupid. i DO NOT condone this method and was wondering if anyone else had any better info on this.


Active Member
Yo,im no pro smoker,but i do smoke,but mold is bad for you,let mw say again MOLD IS BAD FOR YOUU!!tell your friends its very bad.


Well-Known Member

that is.. not safe... at all

last thing we need is someone "dying from marijuana use"



Well-Known Member
I think its pronounced "Dank-en-ing"

Never heard of it or tried it but tell your friends they WILL die.



Well-Known Member
i was asking if anyone has heard of this.
i even said i dont condone or do this...
i wanted some info
no shit it could kill you.
no shit it will give you respirtory diseases.

so its called dank en ing weed?

smoking clean old homegrown is fine with me....bunch of whiners


Active Member
That is definitely not good at all.

If you want dank weed let it dry out properly, and then put it in glass jars and air it out for a few minutes daily for a few weeks before burning it.


DONT try that, the shit is mold. No disrespect, but your friends are fucking idiots. There was actually a thread on here a couple days ago (I think started by pricsilla420) that dealt with the exact same subject.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts on dank - en - ing weed ,

Step one : take your normal dried up bud

step two : break up crack rock

step three : sprinkle said crack over freshly packed bowl

step four : enjoy your dank end weed

ROFL seriously... no need too tamper with such a good thing


Active Member
i remember kids in highschool spraying sprite(like the soda) on their bud, then putting it in the freezer to make it look extra crystally, then jacking the price 5 or 10$.. cheeky bstards:clap: