damn gnats!


Active Member
ive been using Growstone Gnat Nix! Fungus Gnat Control but i still see a bunch of gnats when i tap the top dressing. i figured i would try something else, i put A LOT of this dressing about 1 1/2 of it on top of the soil. i was thinking of using Sierra Natural Science (SNS-203) Pesticide Concentrate and was wondering if anyone has experience with this. can anyone suggest something that workS?? in the past the growstones gnat nix worked, but i just see those bastards crawling out of the top of the dressing. i have 5 plants so you can imagine how many gnats are fucking around with my plants. any suggestions help :-o

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
are you sure they are gnats and not aphids, try and squash one, if it just flutters around and you can smash it. it's gnats, if it avoids you and you can't catch it, aphids


Well-Known Member
I;d give em a nice drink of Neem oil and put a couple inches of sand on the top soil. I had a few gnats once...I left my half drank coffee cup in my grow, came the next day to find them all in the cup, plus a house fly;) That works better then pest strips imho


Active Member
are you sure they are gnats and not aphids, try and squash one, if it just flutters around and you can smash it. it's gnats, if it avoids you and you can't catch it, aphids
yeah thats the first thing i did, smash them. theyre def gnats, ive dealt with them before but idk these are super gnats. this gnatnix or whatever its called used to work just not anymore... ill try that coffe cup thing Diabolical mentioned.


Active Member
I;d give em a nice drink of Neem oil and put a couple inches of sand on the top soil. I had a few gnats once...I left my half drank coffee cup in my grow, came the next day to find them all in the cup, plus a house fly;) That works better then pest strips imho
i will def try this!! thanks man.


Well-Known Member
I like to use diatomaceous earth.
I keep a thin layer on top of my grow medium as a prophylactic.
I sprinkle a bit on top of my ProMix about once a week.
Keeps 'em in check.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I had gnats and a lot of them this grow. I tried gnatrol, mosquito dunks, hydrogen peroxide etc. Nothing did it. So they started getting bad and I had enough. I pulled everything out of the room, picked up all the leaves and scraps of dirt laying around and bleached the whole room. I bleached the water catch trays.
I first did a good watering of 4:1 water to H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide, and sprayed the top couple inches of soil with a 50/50 mix h2o2 to water. Waited a couple days then flooded them again with gnatrol and put about 4 inches of sand on the top of the soil. It worked. Not one by one but all of the methods together.


Well-Known Member
Yea I have these little fkn pests asswell I'm using gnat off but yes as you guessed it seems to b doing sweet fuk all.....so I will follow this thread with high hopes of finding something that will blitz these little annoying fks once and for all.....they also brought a load of springtails with them asswell does anyone no if the neem and sand will work for both pests...


Active Member
I will definitely try the 50/50 solution mentioned by cpappa. At the moment I'm trying the coffee trick I'm hopes of great success. Does anyone know if decaf is good? Lol


Active Member
Sometimes I get 'em and sometimes I don't. Doesn't bother me either way. Water a little less. Have a small fan blowing across the soil. Add extra soil if the pot will hold it. The gnats eat nothing. The grubs don't go below two inches from the top. Minor inconvenience that might make a small difference in yield. The cure can be worse than the problem. Dry, cool and windy= no bugs.


Well-Known Member
A note about sand. Sand has worked for me to alleviate gnat issues. The only problem is that when I added molasses it turned the sand into concrete and locked out all of the air. Put a real hurting on my plants..


Well-Known Member
I was told to slice some potatoes about half an inch thick and put them on top of the soil and to combine this with some fly traps......I have been doing this and after laying the potatoes I wait a couple of hours before checking them and believe it or not it does draw them out of the soil in their hundreds but the downside is having to buy peel and throw away pounds of potatoes but it does get rid of alot of them.After that I treat the soil with ghanoff but their r just to many of them to keep on top of....but I will continue to do this. I have 21 plant's to deal with not including my clone room so you can imagine how frustrating this is....little fkrs....and as mentioned I leave my water bottles open(not coffee)at night to let the chlorine evaporate and when I look in them in the morning their is always 2-3 of them in each carton....they LOVE moisture...


Well-Known Member
Thinking of leaving a half filled carton of water out for them at night because when they get in they usually end up trapped and dead in the water.....just a thought I will do this tonight....


Well-Known Member
gnatrol worked 100% n it's organic.
To get what was left i had a few sticky fly strip things n bam..gone.


Well-Known Member
neem & karnaja meal in the soil mixed with mosquito dunks kills them for me..if u dont want to go the route i use then use these SF Nematodes and it will eat ever bad larve that even thinks about laying a egg in the soil..the adults are nothing more then a annoyance but the larvae will kill young plants..i have had them ever year on my guerilla grows and they would kill 2 or 3 plants bc i didnt know what pest i was dealing with..they would tunnel into the bottom of the stalk and turn it into mush,but once i figured out what pest it was i used neem&karnaja meal and would do a few soil drenches with neem and never had a fungas gant larave since..the SF nematodes will also reproduce in the soil so they its a longer lasting control issue..the larave eat the root hairs of our plants and it will kill the plant if its in its younger part of life..if it dont kill the plant it will make it weak and then open the plant up to all sorts of disease,stunt the plant and reduce yeild,but in my experience it killed 2-3 my guerilla plants ever year..some think they are harmless but dont be fooled they will fkk your plants up bad
Beneficial Nematodes - Sf,Steinernema feltiae
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