Damn Cyclamen!


Well-Known Member
I bought a Cyclamen plant for my wife almost a year ago. I transplanted it into a 1 gallon pot, in fox farms ocean forest. I have been occasionally feeding it a mild dose of age old grow (12-6-6).
Anyway what sort of nutes do these plants want and when can I expect it to bloom? Leaves get huge 4" across then turn yellow and wilt. I pluck them and the cycle just continues. I tried giving it a little bloom juice age old again, but it did not like it. I could just look it up on google and find out in five seconds but that is no fun. Come on hook me up.


New Member
Dormancy Period:

  • Cyclamen generally go dormant for the summer. They don’t like the lack of rain and excess heat, so they take a siesta. By April cyclamen start getting tired and the leaves will begin to yellow and die. When they go fully dormant depends on their growing conditions. If they are houseplants and the heat is kept high, they’ll peter out more quickly. On the other hand, some don’t ever appear to go fully dormant.
  • During the summer, dormant cyclamen can be kept indoors, in a cool, dark spot with good air circulation or outdoors, in a shady spot. If you put yours outdoors, be sure to turn the pot on its side to keep the rain out. If the soil gets too wet during dormancy, the tuber will rot. A little water isn’t going to do any harm, but you don’t want the soil to remain wet.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. Does not seem like it will be a good house plant. I have a shady spot out front that never sees the sun I will probably plant it there.:bigjoint: