Damaged Plants: How Long Until I Know If They Will Die?


Well-Known Member
My light and ventilation fell on my two plants that are four weeks into flower. Horrid destruction to one, i pulled all the bad limbs off, its like it has been lollitopped almost. and the other fell over and was compressed. Its been two days. they look green and everything, bud hairs are still white. how long until i know they are in the clear?


Well-Known Member
they were basicly tore up beyond repair. so i removed them. Will this make the buds towards the top more dense and potent seeing as it does not need to flower the lower branches? ill get some pictures soon.


Well-Known Member
cool i just feel as if i lost half of that plant, which means i lost a fourth of my harvest, the other one isnt to bad, i thought root system tore up but its green as ever just have to tie it up now cause it cant stand to much on its own. Im using dwc by the way. and a four and a half foot plant is top heavy


Well-Known Member
here are a few pics, i threw in the close ups of the bud sites just to see if those are doing well? sorry for the sucky camera shots, its from my cell

top one of plant one

plant one height

top two of plant one

top of plant two (very damaged plant)

Thinning of the branches as you can see

this is what i had to clear out. it was a beatiful healthy girl, now she just looks anorexic damnit.


Well-Known Member
you should know the next day. when i supercrop the tops of my heavy sativa plants they spring back before the light shuts off for the 12 hour cycle. healthy plants dont miss a beat to a little bit of stress. im sure your light falling on them just did a little supercropping of its own.


Well-Known Member
yeah i did, i quick dried them tho...very small peices....do you think the buds will get very big....because they seem kinda small to me for four weeks flower well coming up on four weeks on friday. will they transform or plump up soon


Well-Known Member
what are you calling four weeks from the time you switched to 12/12 or from when they started blooming, looks like you've got a couple of months to go. What the buds will form into depends on the strain.


Well-Known Member
from when i switched to 12/12, and im not sure what strain they are they are bag seed, but just exploded during flowering. friday will be one month since i switched to 12 12


Well-Known Member
plants dont seem to be dying. The one that i lollipopped is getting a real oily look around the buds and bunch of crystals. The other looks the same it did two days ago so i dunno