Dam Attitude..Wtf


Well-Known Member
LMFAO!!! yea now yall getting it! good times!
no, I don't get it... did you recieve a package from attitude? did you make an order at attitude during the promo? Obviously if you did get a package from attitude, you didn't get fingers and toes and a pic of your grandmother.... did you get your seeds? This thread is complete stupidity and should simply be deleted by a MOD. people dont' need to waste their time reading your stupidity! the only reason I am even posting in this thread is to voice how pissed I was after I read everything in it. I kept waiting for something to make sence or even have a point and i got nothing. You totally made this thread to waste other people's time aparently. Grow the F**K up and stop wasting other peoples time.


Well-Known Member
i dont think theres any saving this thread.
i have no idea what this guy was talkin about either.

phenix white

Active Member
Hush Hush now sweetness ...let grandma put you back to sleep..there there! (wil2279 begins to suckle grandmas titty,and apolagizes for violating my rights and freedom of expression)! I have never upset anyone other than you in my 2 years of being a member here..
no, I don't get it... did you recieve a package from attitude? did you make an order at attitude during the promo? Obviously if you did get a package from attitude, you didn't get fingers and toes and a pic of your grandmother.... did you get your seeds? This thread is complete stupidity and should simply be deleted by a MOD. people dont' need to waste their time reading your stupidity! the only reason I am even posting in this thread is to voice how pissed I was after I read everything in it. I kept waiting for something to make sence or even have a point and i got nothing. You totally made this thread to waste other people's time aparently. Grow the F**K up and stop wasting other peoples time.


Well-Known Member
no i don't get it still, and i am not apologizing. You still have not explained yourself or the purpose of this thread. you have to be some kind of idiot. you make no sence at all. you just babble like some kind of moron!

phenix white

Active Member
ok listen i posted this in response to all the negative posts,topics the attitude seedbank is getting,frankly i intended to make it a pun,..My intention was full proof humor, and if anyone is stupid enough to belive stuff like i mentiond would be maild is a moron, I love the attitude and liked the thought of making it eased,the tension that is, look tell them to put a humor/funny stuff topic catagory then! Don't complain to me complain to the manafacture ! Now get off the gas jack!


Well-Known Member
isn't there an age limit to this site? can I get my 5 minutes back that I wasted reading this mess?
this is what I was getting at. nobody gets this post. I understand now that you intended it to be "funny" but I think your sarcasim or humor has gotten lost in your text. If you have a point to make, maybe you should try getting to that point next time you post. We are all supposed to be adults on here, and some are a little older than others. I am 31 but I really doubt that some of the 40, 50, or 60+ members are going to get your brand of wierd humor. Seriously, next time you want to say something good about attitude, just tell everyone that you don't understand why so many people are down on the Tude... cuz you have had nothing but good luck with them and are totally happy with them.

This is why there is an actual format for making a post in the seedbank review section. It is so people have a proper pre setup format to follow so everyone can understand your experience with a particular seedbank. Just chill dude and light one up.


Glassblowing Moderator
this thread was worth the girl suckin words pic...
anyways.. whats with all the attiTUDE? everyone lighten up live life love and be free. dont start fights on growing forums. thats what facebook is for..