Dakushman's secret blackberry garden..


Well-Known Member
So I have finally took some pictures of my garden. I have been looking forward for the last few weeks to bring u all to my garden to Share my progress... I have been Growing Indoors for the last few years. This is my first outdoor grow. I am really excited this year about my garden outside.... so wish me luck im off to a good start.

So here is what i got goin on I have about 45 reg seeds from EMERALD TRIANGLE SEEDS germ'in the Strains are California Wildfire, Bubba 76, and Trinity Kush

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enough of that lets go to the garden \/ \/ \/ \/

Here is the seceret entrance.. Dont Tell no one... we got to crawl in and out its a tight squeeze watch out the thorn's are sharp ass hell..

after we go through the rabbit hole we get to the start of the trail .... follow me \/ \/ \/ \/

Here we are Dakushman's Secret blackberry Garden Welcome all!! here are 12 AK48's 4 White Widow all From Nirvana. there about 3 weeks old I just transplanted them from red cups 3 days ago...I have Drip lines that make watering a breeze.. I amended the soil with about 15 bags of garden and bloom soil mix and about 6 bags of planting compost and about a half a shovel of chicken manure each hole and turned it in.. and also added egg shells banana peels.. i was going to add wood burning ash but i was hesitant about it. so i didn't.. natral soil ph is about 7.5

A couple of the White Widow's

Here are a Few of the AK48's

let me tell you something awesome... so I Went to A club The other day and i was talking to the owner for about a hour.. cool girl, I was looking in there clone room they had some ok clones but nothing i was to familiar with. so I was going to go with a single purple erkle.. Then we talked about indica's and true purple genetics.. and she stopped me from talking and said "I have Something special for u" she sad come with me in the back so after going through a few locked doors and seeing the massive clone room they have in the back of the collective and 5 foot mother plants.. she says here "this is my special strain keep it and cherish it because this one is very special I only give it to special people and you are special"

this clone is "Purple Dragon Faunt"


here is some happy-frog fert i added lightly to my soil when I was amending it..


Bags of garden Bloom 9 bucks a bag similar to happy frog, so they say

Here is the place i plan to plant the Purple Dragon

Here are a few pics of the walls of the garden and some bees im higly allergic to them i don't bug them and they don't bug me.

Lets not forget this seedling it is some bag-seed i got in a batch of some the most disgusting purple weed i have ever seen. lol

This is where I plan to plant my California Wildfire


all in a days work.. now time to sit back and watch them grow..

Thanks all for checking my grow out..


Well-Known Member
looks cool and you get berries.. so thats even better. Honestly theres no fucking way I'd do that lol of course I'm a lazy bitch. Do you worry about insects being in a the briars like that ? oh and that gardenbloom stuff is a decent brand IMO I use their wormcastings you cant beat that shit with a stick. good luck I'll be watching.


Well-Known Member
yes, it was allot of work.. glad its over dealing with BlackBerrys is a bitch... but im hope in it will pay off and i can use this spot yearly.... Mwooten yes, i Have had bad dreams about insects i found some of the leaves on the blackberry's looks like they have been eaten by a Caterpillar or another type of leaf-eater.. i think they will be my main pest.. i have been thinking about getting a few hundred prayn mantis to help battle them.. anyone know of any spray that will keep thoes bastards away to prevent them from muchin on my plants,, maybe neem oil or Azazel?


Well-Known Member
Brilliant, sir!love the story a about the purple. I love the erkle and if a lady in any purp convo gifts you a special strain, it is a magical experience for sure!


Well-Known Member

so i am watering every 2 sometimes 3 days for about a hour or 2 mid day. I haven't given them any nutes im thinking about getting some Maxinea bloom and grow.. anyone ever ran fert through there drip lines like using a inline mixer like the one they make for M grow???

Here is a few pics of the AK48 they are growing up nicely and loving the Lst'ing

here are the 4 week ass White Widow plants i just topped the biggest one on the left bottom today hoping it would grow some side branches
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So I have Expanded The Secret garden and made a back entrance to another plot about 40 feet away... I Added a Few more plants these are a the strongest seeds that germed and popped, I planted 3 per hole.. the strains are 1 OG KUSH, 1 California Wildfire, 7 Trinity Kush and the rest are green kush type seeds I cam across when i picked up a P of some tasty green kush like smoke to hold me over the summer.. they are about 3 weeks old transplanted them 8 days ago they like there new home..I have a few extra holes im going to get a about 7-10 more clones to add to my grow next week..


Here is the best bug killer i had a big problem with grasshoppers and lief hoppers.. I went to wall-mart and got some orthro and Seven and blam!! wiped them all out..... I continue to spray every 2 weeks and no hoppers since.. I use the concentrate for the blackberry's and the Seven for the plants I havent had to speay the plants for about 3 weeks..


oh i thought i would include a bud shot.... LOL

Now its time to relax and watch them grow some more......

time to search the forms and see how everyone else is doing..


Thanks Everyone For stopping by all advice is greatly appreciated..



Well-Known Member
Yea man i'm subbed, I like all the hard work you put in. Just curious whats the walking distance to your grow, oh and btw I like that last picture i'm always running a tab of riu and another for pandora.


Well-Known Member
Your spot is sick. I had a lot of trouble this year finding/deciding on my spot, since a had a few get ripped last year... Yours must be close enough to home to run those hoses ? Or do you have a res. and pump it to them?

Just curious.. Were any of these Fem seeds? I could never imagine putting in all that work, without having Fem's, or Clones at least.. Even to lose 40% of your plants to male's would Blow. I know that's life, but easily avoidable..:P


Well-Known Member
NOO1KNOS----Walking distance is about 750 feet from the house... I have several long hoses chained together that run into the hook to the drip lines,, i like Pandora what stations u listen to??

BIGBOYBUDS-- Yes all the WW and AK48 all all fem from nervana.. all the smaller ones in the new patch are reg seeds from emerald triangle seeds..I am very stealth about it there is no way for any one to find it without being in a hellocopter so i do not half to worry about rippers... Im glad i don't need to shoot any rippers this year....lol

Thanks for stopping buy to blaze one guys...


Well-Known Member
Yea.. I ended up with mine inside my Old man's Fenced in Strawberry patch. He lives in the middle of nowhere, with no neighbors for at least 3 miles each way. 0 reason for anyone to be in his yard, let alone his garden, that is about 50 yards from his back deck, on his 6 acre property. Shitty thing is, he knows my outdoor plant limit, so I only could stash a few there... But you know I picked the biggest..:P I doubt anyone would ever suspect there was weed on his property. He is 78 year old, church going type a fella.


Well-Known Member
Yea.. I ended up with mine inside my Old man's Fenced in Strawberry patch. He lives in the middle of nowhere, with no neighbors for at least 3 miles each way. 0 reason for anyone to be in his yard, let alone his garden, that is about 50 yards from his back deck, on his 6 acre property. Shitty thing is, he knows my outdoor plant limit, so I only could stash a few there... But you know I picked the biggest..:P I doubt anyone would ever suspect there was weed on his property. He is 78 year old, church going type a fella.
that sounds like a good safe plot.. I like strawberry's... what strains are you growing?


Well-Known Member
Got a few on the go. My biggest are here, inside the fence. Back left is Great White Shark (Green House Seed Co.) Front left is Gods Treat. Back right is a late 90's strain of Chemo. Both of these are from Jordan of the island, and both are Fire. I haven't grown out the Great white yet, so I have no idea. This strain/Pheno of Chemo is one of my favorite smokes. A nice hard hitting strain, that lasts a while. Big fat, dense nuggs. My avatar is of a 12/12 from seed I did, just to check out the strain. It ended up drying out to just under 20g's, and it finished right around 8 weeks. I liked the way it node'd, so I took a clone for a mother. That mother, is whats outside now... Cant wait to see how it does outdoors. Gallon jug for size ref.

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Well-Known Member
Good shit bud! This is what I call sheer determination..
Hope your harvest is sweet and plentiful because you deserve it!


Well-Known Member
So I went to the store today and decided to go with the Earth Juice Bloom And Catalyst... So this is now DAKUSHMANS Organic Secret Blackberry Garden..