DABUPP's CFL Growing Adventures


Active Member
Hey guys sorry I couldn't update right away, it took forever. I have some before and after pictures as well as wet weight of the harvest. If anyone cab tell me an estimated dry weight I would be happy. I have included per cola harvested.

Ms. Tall:

91.7 - Total Wet Weight in Grams
* - Main Cola

Ms. Small:

89.6 - Total Wet Weight in Grams
* - Main Cola



Well-Known Member
my dry guess is 40.7g's total weight... if I'm right do i win a prize? hahaha can't wait to see the pics


Active Member
my dry guess is 40.7g's total weight... if I'm right do i win a prize? hahaha can't wait to see the pics

Just updated my last reply with them. Sorry, they aren't great but show both plants and both harvests :) Thats so much 0.0 I wasn't expecting that much from my first attempt. And yea, YOU WIN AN IPAD! :P


Active Member
Thank you to everyone who has helped me to this point! I will be keeping this thread (hence the name change) for all future grows, so keep up with it! :)


Active Member
I have smoked the bud that was water cured. I made a stoner mistake and forgot to take a picture or weigh it before I smoked a good portion of it, but I do have a picture of what was left after I toked. It was good, getting to the peak took longer than normal and the onset of it was gradual (took 5-10 minutes) rather than hitting you hard upfront. An Earthy initial taste with a bit of sweet riding the end, possibly something someone would call "fruity". The high was a bit longer then normal, and was very visually stimulating/mind racing type of a high. I would say the overall effects lasted longer, but the peak wasn't as intense as some other strains. This was only Ms. Tall that I tried, and the only nug being the one that was water cured. The rest are more potent by a whole week. The water curing went well, it did take most taste away but smell was a bit there and it was quite smooth. I have included a picture between what was left of the water cured nug and a popcorn nug off of Ms. Tall from yesterday for comparison.



Active Member
was any of the flavor lost from the water cured compared to the normal method of curing?
I think so, but it wasn't that much. It still had taste, but with everything from the smoke to the taste to the smell was smoothed out by the process.


Well-Known Member
I think so, but it wasn't that much. It still had taste, but with everything from the smoke to the taste to the smell was smoothed out by the process.
that's cool, i never had the balls to try it, maybe i will sometime in the future... what kind of water did you use? did you change out the water everyday?


Active Member
that's cool, i never had the balls to try it, maybe i will sometime in the future... what kind of water did you use? did you change out the water everyday?
I changed out the water everyday when my lights went on. I check the plants everyday for dead leaves and if they need water. You have to use distilled water because all the chemicals in tap water will be sucked into the bud when the chlorophyll leaves the bud. I was actually rather impressed with it, and will probably do it for ~1/3 of my harvest next time. I would suggest trying it, but don't use one of your best nugs. I have been told that it is a semi-strain depended process and might not be as good for other strains.