D.I.Y. Solar Power? Possible?


Well-Known Member
How possible would it be to buy some type of structure (think shed or similar) and hook up my own solar system to run my grow? think 2 600s and vans/ventilation etc. so probably 2K watts give or take.

Im aware i'll probably need an electrician to actually hook it up but as far as buying solar panels and wiring them to the breaker (and buying a breaker! lol) and things like that?

what do you figure it would cost and how much of a savings is that versus hiring a solar company to do all the work?

i dont have lots of excess money so im looking to cut some corners and roll up my sleeves. while i have no prior experience with anything like this im a pretty quick learner.

any/all info appreciated


Active Member
Very possible, but won't be cheap. You'll need enough panels to supply 2kw and inverter to suit. Then ya problem will be night where you'll need a substantial battery bank to take over from the panels... My guesstimate would be in excess of $3000 ...
Hope that helps a little.


Well-Known Member
Very possible, but won't be cheap. You'll need enough panels to supply 2kw and inverter to suit. Then ya problem will be night where you'll need a substantial battery bank to take over from the panels... My guesstimate would be in excess of $3000 ...
Hope that helps a little.
the solar panels on the roof or my house for my main household use store excess power for days of not much sun or to pump back into the main grid then the power companys pay me annually for the power i put back in.for two 6x10 panels and all fitted and shit it cost me £ 6500(by a solar company) As for d.i.y i wouldnt fuckin dare id kill myself and and probly shut the streets power off at the same time lol


Well-Known Member
dam! he spend 2-3K in a 2.5 closet? smh. i spent 2-3K on a 2K watt grow lol.

so basically im screwed. if it cost him 2-3K for a simple 2.5 room its gonna cost me 10K for a shed grow.

solar is supposed to be the wave of the future...looks like ill have to get this technology in the future too...wen its more reasonably priced. idk how they expect people to switch to solar when its so expensive.
dam! he spend 2-3K in a 2.5 closet? smh. i spent 2-3K on a 2K watt grow lol.

so basically im screwed. if it cost him 2-3K for a simple 2.5 room its gonna cost me 10K for a shed grow.

solar is supposed to be the wave of the future...looks like ill have to get this technology in the future too...wen its more reasonably priced. idk how they expect people to switch to solar when its so expensive.
I've done some Solar research for a few customers and in my opinion it is not the wave of the future.......The amount of money you spend on equipment and labor your looking at a 15 year payback just to break even and that's just initial cost not figuring for any service work or battery replacement. If you have a lot of dough and want to decrease your carbon footprint and do not want a windmill in your yard solar is great.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but it aint cheap....


deff possible, If I had the cash Id drop it on solar, jus so the light company can kiss my ass. I would jus love to see a check from them for once. I wouldnt even cash it, id hang it on my wall like my first dollar lol


Well-Known Member
as far as I know when installing solar they require you to feed the energy into the grid. so you're still drawing energy from the grid, the power company just pays you for what you supply. You can't just run things off of solar power. the energy is going to have to be stored somewhere that your devices can then draw from. think a room full of batteries or something.


Well-Known Member
That would be a grid-tie system.

not mandatory, but yea you would need batteries. Plenty of great systems out there, really jus a matter of how deep your pockets go...


Active Member
Solar panels are real ez to put together. You would feel stupid after watching an electrician do it. 3 things needed.. Solar panels, 6 or so car batteries and an inverter. Coleman actually makes a 600watt wind turbine generator that's real ez to integrate into such system. But be careful .. Places like walmart want $1000.00 bucks for it and you can get them as cheap as 500 on line. AND NO, YOU DONT NEED TO FEED INTO ANY GRID!!
Capture.JPG http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=coleman+600+watt+wind+turbine&hl=en&rlz=1C1GPCK_enUS387US387&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1600&bih=799&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3741763046503175526&sa=X&ei=KSQgUKPlKIiUrAHJyoHYCg&ved=0CEAQ8wIwAA


Well-Known Member
Solar panels are real ez to put together. You would feel stupid after watching an electrician do it. 3 things needed.. Solar panels, 6 or so car batteries and an inverter. Coleman actually makes a 600watt wind turbine generator that's real ez to integrate into such system. But be careful .. Places like walmart want $1000.00 bucks for it and you can get them as cheap as 500 on line. AND NO, YOU DONT NEED TO FEED INTO ANY GRID!!
View attachment 2284295 http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=coleman+600+watt+wind+turbine&hl=en&rlz=1C1GPCK_enUS387US387&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1600&bih=799&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3741763046503175526&sa=X&ei=KSQgUKPlKIiUrAHJyoHYCg&ved=0CEAQ8wIwAA
its really as simple as solar panels, inverter, and car batterys???

ive never been any kind of electrician in my life so my experience on these topics are very limited. i still have (what i think) is a blown fuse in my house i havent fixed haha.