cuttings swollen stem


Active Member
Hi all

I took a couple of cuttings to clone, used some cloning gel and put them in rockwool in a small propagator, they have been in about 6 days, but all the stems have swollen about halfway down, and cracked. Anyone have any idea what might cause this, or better, what might stop this.

Thanks all



hmm.. cracked? swollen?

I wonder if it has an air bubble.... some say this does not occur.. other than that i dont know. swelling may be growing? pics would help.


yeah.. you said it's under a dome, but maybe it dried out and cracked??


Active Member
Hi guys

Thanks for the replies, I wish I could show you some pics. It definitely didn't get dry, its like the part that has swollen has burst open. They all seem to have swollen from the top to about halfway down the stem. There doesn't really seem to be any damage to the leaves, just seems to be the stem. I looked through the plant abuse table, and the closest I could see was Boron defiencey, althought I'm not sure how much it applies to cuttings. I havn't yet seen them today, so I can't say how they are. If perchance, I should be able to get a camera I will post pics.

Thanks again for the replies.



Active Member
Hi all

Looks like it was a boron deficiency. Out of 6, we treated 3 for it, and all 3 have survived, the other 3 died. Poor little blighters.
