Cutting Lower Fan Leaves - Help!


My plant is approaching 2 feet tall and has begun to flower. But the new leaves aren't quite as perky as before...

Should I cut the lower fan leaves to promote growth to the new leaves?

Also, what's the difference between sun leaves and fan leaves?



Well-Known Member
sun leaves fan leaves.....same thing, no difference. You can cut off some of the lower fans to open up the bushyness and air flow, but leave fan leaves that are close to the top of the plant. You still need fan leaves to absorb and utilize light.


Well-Known Member
do not cut off the fan leaves.. idk the dif between sun leaves and fan leaves. i am assuming they are the same. fan leaves act as solar panels, energy and sugar storehouses etc.. if you cut off the fan leaves, your yield will suffer.. not sure what your climate in there is but the not so perky leaves wont have anything to do with the lower leaves.. hope this helps some :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
cut away if youwant you can most growers do. have you seen some of urbangrowers videos on youtube.. very helpfull