Current Newb Projects


Active Member
This is my current project I got goin ima total newb. I know the basics but this is gonna only be my 3rd indoor grow! these are 2 of the october UFO freebies from attitude Green Poison, and White Domina these pics are about a week camera broke so its gonna be awhile before I get any recent pics but it wont be too long I got a journal goin to I need to get a cam! Yesterday I followed uncle bens 2top technique and topped the white domina and left the green poison im gonna just let the poison grow and see how it does.


This was my first ever indoor plant I grew it was the EasyRyder by lowryder I have another one growing currently with my White domina,green poison and speed devil...I dont have many pics of the speed devil I dont think its doing to hot but ive posted pics and people have just told me it looks like a normal sativa so I duno I heard they take a lil longer than indicas but damn not another whole month lol ohh well! tell me what ya think

1 Week.jpg2 WEEKS just transplanted.jpg3 weeks top view.jpg
ak47-4wks bud.jpgeasyryder2.jpgeasyryder.jpg:weed:
wholeplant.jpgharvest 004.jpgharvest 005.jpg


Got some skunk / 1month 4 days (veg) 2 are 12 inches with a couple seedlings. My closet is 11'/ so I'm vegging these baby's 2' hopefully they'll get 4 or feet.
so far so good - my room has a skunky aroma ( I luv it ) by the way this is my first grow & I can't stop watching them, I'm constantly checking on them every hr or so, if I sound like I'm rambling on & on ( I'm stoned ) oh well


Active Member
it's a og kush. your plants look really good :)
Just had a close friend open up a jar of OGkush a few days ago....omg its REALLY potent some of the best ive smoked. N thanks I wish I could get some recent pics but my fat ass dog *cane corso* sat on the fucker and broke the screen off now it wont even turn on!!!! stupid pets


Well-Known Member
yes, they can be crazy but we love them haha :) I wouldn't trade mine for anything.

I've been using my camera phone to take pics. I need to get something better. Mine is actually a "Fire OG Kush" not sure if there is a big difference between this and regular OG Kush.