Curious researcher


Active Member
Joining the sight in an attempt to gain feedback about my current grow scenario.

Somewhat in an attempt to save money, but mostly to gain validity or critique about how I'm approaching things.

Here's the lowdown...
Tax Refund Time !!! Yaya !!!

I MUST focus on discretion, saving electricity, reduction of smell/containing co2, automating the process as much as possible, and putting out as much "product" as possible in the shortest amount of time.

That being said, heres my intended setup.
(keeping the limit of $ to 2700)

Prefab 3'8"by3'8"w 6'7"h grow closet light leak proof, highly reflective white poly interior, precut vent holes steel rack const.
Made to look like a portable clothing armoir.

Sunlight Systems 90watt "Grow UFO"
(check it out, it looks promising, and I need to invest in clandestine systems like I previously mentioned)

Nutri-mist 16 site Aeroponic/Hydroponic system.

Co2 tank system using an infrared atmospheric controller to regulate the solenoid

Any input from experienced growers who might be able to recommend changes and/or encourage this venture PLEASE throw down a comment or two.

I wanna know more than anything if anyone has experience using these "plant specialized" LED grow lights and advantages/disadvantages.

Thank you all. I'll be watching and learning in the meantime.